Discussion Board

Discussions are now re-opened!
  • To post or reply, you must "sign in" to your account. Please "sign up" if you have not already done so.
  • Postings prior to early 2012 are now being shown even if they were not verified, now that we have removed all the SPAM.
  • Note: We had disabled postings between early 2012 and July 2016.

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Subject: Welcome to the Depot Museum Discussion Board
Posted by: Danny Stewart dstewart@dannyastewart.com
Date/Time: 2002-11-28 9:40 a.m.

Welcome to the discussion board feature of the Depot Museum's web site. This is a place for you to ask questions and, hopefully, get answers from other visitors to the site.

On the menu, you'll notice a "Comments" link. That's where all the questions and some answers have been placed in the past. I suspect those types of things will now go here. A lot of people come to the web site looking for genealogical and historical information, and this is a really good place for those topics.

A suggestion for using this site -- be sure to "Login" and "Create a New Account" before you post. That way, you don't have to verify your posting before it becomes visible. On that "Edit My Info" page, you can also ask that a e-mail be sent to you when another visitor posts a reply to your message.

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