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Subject: Malvin and Retha
Posted by: Terry Sampson terry.sampson@sbcglobal.net
Date/Time: 2008-01-26 11:22 p.m.

P.S. If you get death certificates, perhaps you'll find mention of which funeral home arranged their funerals, if any. Contact them and see if they have a copy of obituaries in their files which may list next of kin and friends. Also, I notice that both were buried in Willisville Cemetery, behind the Willisville United Methodist Church, which tells me--if I am not mistaken--that the Church maintains.the cemetery The picture indicates that Rev. Jerry Westmoreland was pastor at the time the picture was taken. Try contacting him (or his replacement), soliciting assistance in establishing contact with anyone in the community who may have known and remember Malvin and Retha and can tell you more.

Good luck!

This isn't my line. I've just been nosy, BTW, found G.F. Herring marriage to M.D. Reasons, 6th March 1895, in Nevada Co., Ark. In 1880 census, there is the following Reasons family in Taylor Township, Nevada Co.:

W.B. Reasons, 46 yrs., born in N.C., father born in N.C., mother born in N.C.

Mahaly, 40 or 46 yrs., born in Kentucky, father born in Kentucky, mother born in Kentucky

James D., son, 18 yrs., born in Ark.

Mary D., daughter, 15 yrs., born in Ark.

William H., son, 14 yrs., born in Ark.

Samuel A., son, 12 yrs., born in Ark.

Albert N., son, 10 yrs., born in Ark.

Edward A., son, 8 yrs., born in Ark.

Mahaly D., daughter, 6 yrs., born in Ark.

Wily B., son, 4 yrs., born in Ark.

Sarah C., daughter, 2 yrs., born in Ark.

Lilla C., daughter, 1/12 yr., born in Ark.

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