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Subject: Maude Lily Kitchens
Posted by: Phillips Monroe Bourns phillipsbourns@hotmail.com bounced
Date/Time: 2008-06-10 11:29 a.m.

My paternal grandmother was Maude Lily Kitchens; she married George Monroe Bourns. Both she and my grandfather were residents of DeQueen at the time of their marriage, and prior to that. My father was Otis Theodore Bourns of DeQueen. I know very little about the Kitchens line of my genealogy. Maude and George lived thereafter in Noble, OK, where they each died. They had five sons and two daughters born in Arkansas. If Maude Kitchens is any part of your line, we may have several things to share. E-mail me. I hope this helps. Phillips Monroe Bourns

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