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Cynthia Davis Stokes by jimmie anna hays (jimmiehd@gmail.com) on 2008-10-14 10:32 p.m.


I am trying to find anyone who can tell me something about my Gr Gr Gr Grandmother Cynthia Davis Stokes b 1809 in Independence Co Arkansas, Midwife and wife of Holloway Stokes, mother of Redden, Bryant, (buried at Mt Moriah Cemetery), her daughter Molly Stokes Bean was my Gr Gr Grandmother. There are census records of Cynthia Stokes and Molly Stokes, living together in Nevada Co 1880, after that Molly married my gr gr grandfather Joseph N Bean and they had several children, one which is my Gr Grandmother Minnie Bean. If anyone can help me find more details on my Cynthia Davis Stokes, it would be great. Thank you so much!

      Cynthia Davis Stokes by jimmie anna hays (jimmiehd@gmail.com) on 2016-07-06 11:48 a.m.

I am still searching for anyone who might know anything regarding my Gr Gr Great Grandmother Cynthia Stokes. She was born with sir name of Davis. She lived in the surrounding area of Redland most of her life. Any details would be of much help. Thank you, jimmie hays

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