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Subject: Sherrill, Kitchens and Smith families
Posted by: d jack smith wardaddy65@yahoo.com bounced
Date/Time: 2004-04-03 3:02 a.m.

Like to learn as much as I can about my family history. Finess Ewing Sherrill and William Kitchens were Confederate soldiers from there and Daniel J. Smith was a Judge 1860-1862. Anyone have a Kitchens genealogy? Smith? I am Hilliard J. And "Donies" grandson and son of Dr. Doyle J Smith of Memphis. A Lloyd Baird sent my Dad a bundle of original Smith doicuments. Wonder where he got them? Some were 150 years old!! The Sherrill family was very, very prominent in the formation of Tennessee before my branch migrated to Falcon, Arkansas.

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