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Subject: Mason/Waddle marriage in 1896
Posted by: Martha Carol marthacarol@msn.com
Date/Time: 2004-07-07 11:05 p.m.

Looking for any information on my grandmother "Jennie" Martha Virginia Mason > Waddle > Ivie. b:1865 around the Hope, Prescott area, d:1958 and was buried in Mt. Moriah Cemetery (white) under the name Jennie Mason Ivy.

John S WADDLE married Jennie Mason {Martha Virginia Mason} in the county of Nevada, Arkansas on April 26, 1896. I believe Mr. Waddle passed away in 1904, buried in Mt. Moriah Cemetery (white).
On June 4, 1909, Mrs. Jennie Mason {Martha Virginia Mason-Waddle} married my grandfather H. W. Ivie in the county of Nevada, Arkansas.

Is John S. Waddle related to any of your family? If so, would you have any information that might list my grandmother parents or where she was born? Also, I noticed in the Mt. Moriah Cemetery that there were several infant babies listed with the last name Waddle. Would you know if John Waddle and my grandmother had any children? Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated!

Please contact me at marthacarol@msn.com and type in MASON Info in the subject line.

Best regards, Martha Carol

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