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Subject: Prescott and northwestern railroad history
Posted by: John Paul Prescott paulprescott@hotmail.ca
Date/Time: 2012-02-09 8:31 p.m.


My name is John Paul Prescott and having the sir name of Prescott and being a model railroader I am very interested in the history of the PNW and the town of Prescott.

Some of the things I would like to know are, is the roster of locos going to remain the same, or are they going to get rid of the 3- 70 tonners, are things going to remian the same as far as office duties being handled out of the offices of Prescott, how many employees does the PNW have and I know there is some confusion as to who the town of Prescott was named after, over and above this confusion I would like to know what nationality they were. ( English, Irish, or Scottish )

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