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Visit to Depot and Museum by Sandra F. Puckett (sandrapuckett28@yahoo.com bounced) on 2006-08-31 6:26 p.m.

On June 10, 2006, I visited the Depot and Museum, looking for information on the Berry Beard family. The family was in the 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880 Ouachita and Nevada Co. Censuses. I was interested to find graves for members of the family, particuliarly Berry and Nancy Hay Beard. Finding Nancy with family in the 1850 Ouachita Co. Census with the youngest son, Samuel C. "Harvey" Beard being 14 yrs. of age. She was not in the 1860 census and in the 1870 census, Berry is rcorded to be a widower. It is shortly after the 1870 census that Berry is believed to have died. Son, James A. Beard is found in the Jasper Co. Texas Census in 1870.

I looked for graves in the Carolina Cemetery. A lot of the Mendenhalls were buried here. Isaac Lee Beard was married to Elizabeth Mendenhall. He was killed in the Civil War. Does anyone know who the "Nancy Hays" is who is buried in the Carolina (old section) Cemetery? I looked through the Photos Section and would like to identify John T. Beard as one of the old Confederate Veterans. He was an honorary Pall Bearer in the Amelia Wheeler funeral, April 3, 1917, along with J.M. Bailey, Hatty Blankenship, J.S. Lee, E.N. Wilson, and James Johnson. I can not tell you which one is John T. Beard. I just wish some of the existing family could.

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