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Funeral Home used in 1925 Nevada Co. Ar. by Nan Beavers (nanb@ipa.net bounced) on 2003-06-29 8:40 a.m.

What funeral home was used in Nevada Co. Ar. in 1925?? Around the area of Morris and Friendship cemetery, trying to find death certificates for James T. and Mary Wicker (Ggrandparents) buried at Friendship Cemetery.

      Funeral Home used in 1925 Nevada Co. Ar. by Jerry McKelvy (sandman43@att.net) on 2003-07-08 7:14 p.m.

Cornish Funeral Home was probably the one. Brazzeal-Cornish Funeral Home is still in Prescott. Don't know if they have old burial records or not.

            Funeral Home used in 1925 Nevada Co. Ar. by Nan Beavers (nanb@ipa.net bounced) on 2003-07-08 10:14 p.m.

Thank you Jerry, I will check that out.

      Funeral Home - Cornish by Mary Jo Lambert (mlamber@earthlink.net bounced) on 2004-03-06 5:18 p.m.

The funeral home that was used was probably Cornish, but there are no records left. The current owners of this funeral home threw them away when they moved the funeral home

            Cornish Funeral Home by S. Brown (mands1988@yahoo.com bounced) on 2005-08-23 3:11 p.m.

It depends on your dates if you can get records. Try your local library for Desmond Wells Allen Arkansas Death Index. She has listings from 1914-1948. You might try contacting Brazzell/ Cornish for records. They have some if you can get them to search for you. Send me dates and I will see what I can do

                  Funeral record dates by Nan Beavers (nanb@ipa.net) on 2005-08-28 7:30 p.m.

Thank you so much, the dates are James T. Wicker b. Dec. 25 1858 and died May 14 1925. His wife is Mary E. Wicker b. Jan 30 1855 and died Nov. 23 1938. Thank you again, Nan

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