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Subject: Redland Community Liberty Cemetery John T. and Arletha R. Beard
Posted by: Sandra F. Puckett sandrapuckett28@yahoo.com bounced
Date/Time: 2007-06-12 11:16 p.m.

Hello Nevada Co.,

I posted some information about visiting the Liberty Cemetery. I had found a "Mr. A. Beard" buried there. A record was not found for John T. Beard. Well, I contacted the Cemetery Assoc. to tell them that I believed the "Mr. A. Beard" to be Arletha R. Beard, wife of John T. Beard. And to recognize that John T. was also buried there and to recognize his Civil War Service. He was in Terrell's Confederate 37th Texas Cavalry Reg. Co. K . Rank in: Pvt Rank out: Pvt.

I am so happy to say that Cathy Straley is doing an extensive study and research of the history of Redland Township. She sent me a picture of John T's grave and Headstone with this information. I found where his wife Arletha applied for a pension in White Co. confirming this same info. Application # 25901 Year: 1922

John T. died May l, 1924(Born April 1840) and his widow applied 1925.

It is unknown what Arletha R. Beard's maiden name was. Ms. Straley thinks that there were families with the surname Rinkle, Riggs, and Riding in the Redland Liberty Cemetery with strong connections to Redland and perhaps Arletha's maiden name was from one of these families.

John T. and Arletha had the following children:

1.James B. Beard B. Dec 1870-never married and was head of the family 1920 & 1930.

2. Thomas P. Beard B. May 1872 He married "Tennie" in 1899. Her maiden name is unknown.

3. Willliam B. Beard B. Dec. 1875 He never married Reported in 1880 Census "Deaf and Dumb"

4. Cicero C. Beard B. Jan 13, 1877 D.Jan 15, 1968 Never married

5. Lula F. Beard B. Oct 1880 Never married

6. Lizzie Ella Beard B. Oct. 1889 She was reported 41 yrs and single in 1930

The five single siblings lived in parents home in 1930 and devoted their lives to one another. I would like to know if anyone knows about the Prescott Recycling and Work Center, working with handicapped people, helping them earn money by making parts for Beard-Poulan Weedeater of Nashville. I seem to believe that these five siblings may have had some handicaps. I would appreciate if anyone would comment on this business. The family resided in Spring Hill Township, Hempstead Co. Ar.James B. Beard reported to be a farmer but the other four siblings had no job. The four siblings did not report to "speak English" but all could read and write.

All of the children were born in Arkansas and their mother and father were born in Alabama. John T's brother Samuel C. Beard was reported to have been born in Ar. in 1845, so the family was in Arkansas by 1845 from Macon Co. Ala.

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