Cemetery Survey

This survey is copyright ©1997-2024 by Jerry and Jeanie McKelvy. All rights are reserved. The McKelvy's grant the right to use listings on these web pages and in these databases for an individual's research project, but no commercial (for profit) publishing is allowed without the written consent of Jerry and Jeanie McKelvy.

References to an "earlier record" usually refer to a survey conducted in the 1950's by the Nevada County Extension Homemakers' Clubs, the original of which is on file at the Nevada County Depot and Museum.

Since 1997, Jery and Jeanie McKelvy have conducted a periodic canvas of each cemetery in the county and use additional resources to keep the listings current.

This survey contains 27366 records in 110 cemeteries and was last updated on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

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List by Cemetery

Arnott Family Cemetery
There are no markers at this old family plot, but according to the earlier records, it is located on the old Elbert Billingsley place. I searched this location and could find no evidence of a cemetery. The most likely place is in a grove of large oak trees directly behind the old house place. The location is the SE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 20, Township 10 South, Range 22 West.
Driving directions: From Prescott, go north toward Gurdon about 1.5 miles. Turn left on Rd. No. 37 and go two miles just across the interstate. There will be a road to the left into a pasture. Just past this road on your left is the old Elbert Billingsley place. The earlier record stated that the cemetery was three-sixteenths of a mile due west across a field.
Artesian Cemetery
This old cemetery is located a few miles southwest of Prescott. It is in the NE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 23, Township 11 South, Range 23 West. It is not fenced and was badly grown up with grass when I visited it in May, 2019. Many markers were broken or had fallen over.
Driving directions: From Prescott, go out the Washington Rd. (Hwy. 332) about 2.6 miles. Just before crossing over I-30, turn left on Rd. No. 227 and travel on it until you reach a crossroads. Continue straight a little over 1/2 mile. The cemetery will be on your left just before the intersection with Rd. No. 225.
Azor/Azar Cemetery (Black)
Former site of Providence Baptist Church. Located near Bodcaw. An African-American cemetery. Cemetery is fenced. Many graves are not marked and many of the metal funeral home markers can no longer be read. Last survey was October, 2018. Cemetery was once known as Providence Cemetery.
Driving directions: From the Hempstead- Nevada county line on Hwy. 278, go toward Rosston and turn right at crossroads on to Rd. 43. Go one mile and turn left on Rd. 11. Go about 2.5 miles and turn left on to a dim road (Rd. 113) leading to the cemetery. This is a dead end road.
B'Shears Grave
From Prescott, go out Rd. 23 (also known as Cale Road) past the Moscow Cemtery. Continue on a few miles until just before the Terre Rouge Creek bottom. You will see a nice house sitting off the road to your left. The grave is in the woods about 200 to 300 feet from the house.
Barksdale Cemetery (Black)
This is an African-American cemetery located on a gravel road near the northeast corner of the SW1/4 NW1/4 of Section 24, Township 13 South, Range 21 West in the Oak Grove community. The cemetery is still used for burials.
Driving directions: From Rosston, go northeast on Hwy. 200 about 2.5 miles. Turn right on County Road 430 and go about 1/2 mile. The cemetery will be on your left. The road will make a loop and come back out on Hwy. 200.
Bluff City Cemetery - New Section
This very large cemetery is located on the eastern edge of Bluff City on the north side of Hwy. 24. The new section is on land donated by Doyle Harvey. It is fenced and very well maintained. A pavillion was constructed in the new section several years ago and some park benches were placed recently under the oak trees overlooking the old section of the cemetery.
Driving directions: Bluff City is located 19 miles east of Prescott on Hwy. 24. The cemetery is on the east side of town on the north side of the highway within sight of the Baptist church and the Church of Christ.
Document: Obituaries for the New Section of the Bluff City Cemetery (795,131 bytes, last updated May 30 2021).
Bluff City Cemetery - Old Section
65 other graves were found marked by rocks or metal markers that could not be read.
Document: Obituaries for Old Section of Bluff City Cemetery (888,471 bytes, last updated May 31 2021).
Bluff Springs Cemetery
This is a very well maintained cemetery located in the northwest corner of Section 12, Township 13 South, Range 22 West. It is in a somewhat isolated area about 1/2 mile from the Bluff Springs Baptist church. When I visited here in late 1997, the timber surrounding the cemetery had recently been cut. This left the cemetery sort of exposed, but someone had just planted some flowering shrubs along the drive up to the cemetery. The cemetery is fenced.
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwy. 278 and Hwy. 53, go east toward Rosston 1.3 miles. Turn left on Rd. No. 29 and go 1.2 miles to a fork. Take the left fork and continue for 7/10ths of a mile to the Bluff Springs Baptist church. Continue north on Rd. No. 29 for 6/10ths of a mile. The cemetery will be on your left, a short distance from the road.
Bodcaw No. 1 Cemetery
This is a well maintained cemetery located in the northwest corner of Section 35, Township 13 South, Range 23 West across the road from Bodcaw No. 1 Baptist church.
Driving directions: From Bodcaw, go west on Hwy. 32 toward Hope for 3.6 miles. Turn right on Rd. No. 13 and go a short distance. The church will be on your right and the cemetery will be across the road on your left.
Homemaker's Survey in 1970
Boice/Boyce/Graham Cemetery
This old cemetery is located in the NE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 3, Township 11 South, Range 23 West. An earlier record showed Voice Cemetery, but I think that may have been a typo error as they were typing Boice. A family named Boice/Boyce once lived in that area. Most people living in that area now call it the Graham Cemetery and most of the marked graves are Grahams. There are only eight marked graves, but there are many unmarked graves. Mr. Brzeski, who owned the land where this cemetery is located, told me that there were rows of graves marked by rich pine boards when he purchased the land. He has replaced some of these with small, round concrete markers. The cemetery is about one third acre in size.
Driving directions: From Prescott, follow Hwy. 371 (once called Hwy. 24) toward Blevins to the Nevada-Hempstead county line. The cemetery is about 1/4 mile east of the highway across a pasture, almost directly in front of the Brzeski residence.
Bolden-Yarbrough (Black)
This old abandoned cemetery is located on the south line of the SE 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section 26, Township 14 South, Range 20 West. I was told that this was a black cemetery and that a church once stood here, but it was later moved further southeast into Ouachita County. The cemetery is in the woods about 200 feet off County Road 179, commonly called Frogshack Road.
Driving directions: Since this cemetery is difficult to find, I will just say it is about 2 1/2 miles from the Nevada-Ouachita county line on Rd. 179, commonly called Frogshack Rd. A logging road will leave this road to the east. At this time a yellow painted property line runs east from the county road. The cemetery is about 200 feet from the road. A large oak tree and smaller pine trees stand near the graves. Since this is a very isolated area with many oil field roads, it would be wise to get someone to take you to this cemetery if you are not familiar with this area of the county.
Bryson Cemetery (Sweet Home)
This old cemetery is at the same location as Sweet Home Cemetery (an African-American cemetery still in use). The Bryson graves are in the western part of the fenced area in a brushy area that is not being mowed with the rest of the cemetery. This cemetery was established originally when Robert H. Bryson was the first burial upon his return from the Civil War in 1865 and it was called Bryson Cemetery at that time. It became known as Sweet Home after it was adopted by the African-American community about 30 years later. At least one grave is outside the fenced area, so there could be other graves outside the fence that are not marked.
Driving directions: Turn off Hwy. 24 just east of Terre Rouge Creek onto County Rd. 290. Go about one mile and turn to the right on Rd. 407. Go about one half mile and it will merge with Rd. 41. Keep to the right. The cemetery will be on your right.
Buchanan Cemetery
This old cemetery is located just off Hwy. 67 in the SW1/4 SW1/4 of Section 27, Township 10 South, Range 22 West. It is maintained, but seldom used for burials. It is not fenced on all sides.
Driving directions: From Prescott, go north on Hwy. 67 toward Gurdon about 2.5 miles to the Boughton Rd. (Rd. No. 222) and turn right. Go for a short distance and turn right again. The cemetery will be on your left.
Caney Cemetery
This cemetery is located by Morris Baptist church at the intersection of Hwy. 299 and Hwy. 200. The cemetery is fenced and well maintained and is fairly large in size. It is sometimes referred to as Morris Cemetery, but most of the local residents know it as Caney Cemetery and often refer to the community as Caney. New steps built in 1999 at entrance to cemetery.
Driving directions: Morris is located on Hwy. 299 about 10 miles southwest of Bluff City and about 7 miles east of Hwy. 371.
Document: Obituaries for the Caney Cemetery (494,139 bytes, last updated June 01 2021).
Christopher Cemetery
Driving directions: From the Ouachita-Nevada county line, go east toward Rosston about 1.5 miles and turn left on Rd. 157. Go about one half mile and the cemetery will be on your right alongside the road. It is somewhat difficult to see.
Civil War Memorial
This memorial is located in Prescott at the old railroad depot which now houses the Prescott-Nevada County Museum. There are three monuments connected together and placed alongside the highway. This marker was originally placed at the battle site near Prescott, but was moved to the museum due to vandalism.
Clark Cemetery
This old, small cemetery is located in the extreme southwestern part of Nevada County. It has several old graves, including that of a woman who lived to be 106 years old, according to the dates on her monument. The cemetery is fenced and is fairly well kept.
Driving directions: From Falcon, go west on Hwy. 355 for about four miles. Turn left on Rd. No. 3 and go south about 1.5 miles. Turn right on Rd. No. 101 and go about 1/4 mile. The cemetery will be on your left about 250 feet off the road.
Clevet Springs Cemetery (Black)
This is an African-American cemetery located in the northeast corner of Section 8, Township 15 South, Range 22 West. It is next to Clevet Springs church. The cemetery is fenced and covers three or four acres.
Driving directions: From Falcon, go east on Hwy. 355 for one mile. Turn right on Rd. No. 136 and go about 1/4 mile to the church and cemetery.
Corinth Cemetery
This cemetery is located in the NE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 16, Township 14 South, Range 22 West. It is fenced and there is a pavilion standing at the south end of the cemetery.
Driving directions: From Bodcaw, go south on Hwy. 53 toward Falcon a little over two miles to the intersection with Hwy. 32 (Brockman Hill). Turn left on Hwy. 32 toward Willisville and go almost two miles and turn right on Rd. No. 142. Go 6/10ths of a mile. The cemetery will be on your right alongside the road.
Cox Cemetery
This cemetery is located in the woods about 1.5 miles northeast of New Hope Baptist Church No. 2. Access is by logging road off County Rd. 7. The property is owned by Cameron Dodson and the road is gated. Cemetery would be almost impossible to find without a guide. A record was made by Mrs. Homer Nichols in February 1970. I visited the cemetery in February, 2010 but was unable to find many of the graves listed in the earlier record. Many unmarked graves were found marked with native rocks in what appeared to be family plots. The name for this cemetery comes from the 1970 survey. An African-American cemetery is at same location.
Craven Cemetery (Black)
This African-American cemetery is located in the SE1/4 NW1/4 of Section 24, Township 11 South, Range 22 West. It is fenced on three sides and is a fairly large cemetery. Some maintenance work has been done recently when surveyed in 2018. Nine graves were found in 2018 survey that could not be identified. Some unmarked graves noted.
Driving directions: From Prescott, go east toward Camden about three miles and turn right on Rd. No. 32. Go south for 1.5 miles to Rd. No. 256. Turn left. The cemetery will be on your right alongside the road.
Cummings Homeplace Cemetery
New cemetery established about 2019 at the old Cummings homeplace
Traveling west on Hwy. 24, turn on first road to the right after crossing Caney Creek at end of levee. Go about a quarter mile to old homeplace.
DeAnn Cemetery (New) North of Hwy 371
De Ann is the largest cemetery in Nevada County. There is an old section south of Hwy. 371, a large new section, and a black section. The cemetery is well maintained and is used frequently for burials.
Driving directions: From Prescott, go west on Hwy. 371 toward I-30. The cemetery will be at the edge of town. The old section will be on your left and the new section will be on your right. The old part of the black section is south of the highway and the newer black section is one block north of the highway.
DeAnn Cemetery (Old) South of Hwy 371
De Ann is the largest cemetery in Nevada County. There is an old section south of Hwy. 371 and a large newer section north of the highway. An African-American section is also north of the highway, but some older African-American graves are in the old section south of the highway in the east part of that section. The cemetery is well maintained and is used frequently for burials. This is a record of the old section south of Hwy. 371. A part of this cemetery was once used as a potter's field for burial of persons with no known relatives.
Driving directions: From Prescott, go west on Hwy. 371 toward I-30. The cemetery will be at the edge of town. The old section will be on your left and the new section will be on your right. The old part of the black section is south of the highway and the newer black section is one block north of the highway
DeAnn Cemetery North of Bryant Street (Black)
De Ann is the largest cemetery in Nevada County. There is an old section south of Hwy. 371 and the newer part north of Hwy. 371. This African-American section in located north of Bryant Street. Some African-American graves are also found on the east side of the newer section. Older African-American graves are found on the east side of the old section south of Hwy. 371
Driving directions: From Prescott, go west on Hwy. 371 toward I-30. The cemetery will be at the edge of town. The old section will be on your left and the new section will be on your right. The old part of the black section is south of the highway and the newer black section is one block north of the highway.
Homemaker's Survey in 1970
DeWoody Graves
These two graves are on the old DeWoody home place near Bluff City according to family members. The actual location of the graves has not been verified.
Located about one mile west of Bluff City on north side of Hwy. 24. The old DeWoody School was also once located on this property. The Walters family lives nearby.
Dunn Cemetery
This old cemetery is located in the SE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 8, Township 14 South, Range 22 West. It is somewhat difficult to locate if you are not familiar with the area. The cemetery is fenced. I did a second survey of this cemetery Oct. 6, 2006 and it does not appear that any maintenance has been done in some time. A complete record of this cemetery made in 1997.
Driving directions: The old road leading to the cemetery from Hwy. 53 has been closed. Another way is to go to the intersection of Hwy. 53 and Hwy. 32 (Brockman Hill), which is about two miles south of Bodcaw. Turn left on Hwy. 32 toward Willisville and go 9/10th of a mile. Turn left at Corinth Baptist church on Rd. No. 15 and go north 8/10th of a mile to a sharp curve. Go left 3/10ths of a mile. Turn left on to a dim oil field road and go 3/10ths of a mile to a crossroads. Go right and go 2/10ths of a mile on a very dim road to the cemetery, which will be on your left. You probably need a pick-up truck.
Ebenezer Cemetery
This large cemetery is located in the W1/2 NE1/4 of Section 21, Township 12 South, Range 20 West. It is fenced and well maintained. There was once a school and church at this location. Land for the cemetery was donated by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Whaley.
Driving directions: From Bluff City, go southwest on Hwy. 299 for four miles. The cemetery will be on your right.
Some information included in this record is from previous records made by the Nevada County Home Demonstration Club in 1968 and an older record made about 1950 by Howard Cornish Foster and Edward Dunn.
Document: Obituaries for the Ebenezer Cemetery (2,495,684 bytes, last updated June 02 2021).
Ephesus Cemetery
This small cemetery is located on Hwy. 67 just north of Emmet. It is adjacent to the Ephesus church building which still stands. The cemetery is partially fenced.
Driving directions: From Emmet, go north of Hwy. 67 toward Prescott less than one mile. The cemetery and church will be on your left alongside the highway.
Fairchild Cemetery
This old cemetery is located in the woods about one mile northwest of Rosston. There are several graves here, but only one monument. Some of the graves are marked by sand rocks. It is located in the SE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 18, Township 13 South, Range 21 West.
Driving directions: From Rosston, go west on Hwy. 278 (formerly Hwy. 4) toward Hope for 1.3 miles. Turn right on County Rd. 287 (known as Scenic Drive) and go about 8/10ths of a mile to the point where the road crosses the section line between Sections 18 and 19. The cemetery is about 1/4 mile northeast through the woods at a bearing of North 80 degrees East. It is only about 50 feet from the east line of Section 18. I was told in 2012 that a four-wheeler trail leads to the cemetery. The cemetery now has a chain link fence around it with a sign calling it the Fairchild Family Cemetery.
Falcon Cemetery - New Section
Falcon cemetery is located on Hwy. 355 just west of Falcon in the N1/2 SE1/4 of Section 6, Township 15 South, Range 22 West. The old section is south of the highway and the newer section is north of the highway. The cemetery is being maintained.
Driving directions: From Falcon, go west on Hwy. 355 for 4/10th of a mile to the cemetery.
Falcon Cemetery - Old Section
Falcon cemetery is located on Hwy. 355 just west of Falcon in the N1/2 SE1/4 of Section 6, Township 15 South, Range 22 West. The old section is south of the highway and the newer section is north of the highway. The cemetery is being maintained.
Driving directions: From Falcon, go west on Hwy. 355 for 4/10th of a mile to the cemetery.
Forest Hill Cemetery - White Section
This cemetery is located near the southwest corner of the SW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 2, Township 13 South, Range 23 West. It is directly behind the Forest Hill Baptist church. The church was formerly called Fairview, but the name was changed many years ago. There is a black section in the back of the cemetery. There is no fence dividing the two sections at this time, but the graves in back are not nearly as well maintained as those in front. A chain link fence has been erected on the side next to the church.
Driving directions: From the Nevada-Hempstead county line on Hwy. 278 (formerly Hwy. 4), go east toward Rosston 1.9 miles. Turn left on Rd. No. 43 and go 4/10ths of a mile. Turn left on Rd. No. 271 and go west 2/10ths of a mile to the church and cemetery. This is a dead-end road.
Forest Hill/Briant Cemetery (Black)
This cemetery is located near the southwest corner of the SW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 2, Township 13 South, Range 23 West. It is directly behind the Forest Hill Baptist church. The church was formerly called Fairview, but the name was changed many years ago. There is a black section in the back of the cemetery that has not been maintained. There is no fence dividing the two sections at this time. The black section was badly grown up when I visited it in September, 2018.
Driving directions: From the Nevada-Hempstead county line on Hwy. 278 (formerly Hwy. 4), go east toward Rosston 1.9 miles. Turn left on Rd. No. 43 and go 4/10ths of a mile. Turn left on Rd. No. 271 and go west 2/10ths of a mile to the church and cemetery. This is a dead-end road.
Friendship Cemetery
This cemetery is located in the S1/2 NE1/4 of Section 3, Township 13 South, Range 21 West. It is just east of the old Friendship Baptist church building, which still stands. The church is not being used. The cemetery is well maintained and is fenced.
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwys. 299 and 200 (Morris), go south on Hwy. 200 toward Cale about two miles. Turn right on Rd. No. 17 and go 1/4th mile. Turn left. The church and cemetery will be on your right. This road also intersects Hwy. 200.
Gantt Cemetery (Black)
This African-American cemetery is located in the woods about 1.5 miles northeast of New Hope Baptist Church No. 2 on property owned by Cameron Dodson. Access is by a gated logging road off County Rd. No. 7. Cemetery is almost impossible to find without a guide. A white cemetery joins this cemetery. A survey of this cemetery by Mrs. Gladys L. Williams in January, 1970. I visited the cemetery in February, 2010, but could not find many of the graves listed in the 1970 survey. Cemetery is very brushy. The 1970 survey reported 23 unmarked graves. The name for this cemetery comes from the 1970 survey. I did not see any boundary marking the division between the white and African-American graves.
Glenville Cemetery
This cemetery is referred to in the 1970 records as Mt. Vernon (White). There is a Mt. Vernon (Negro) cemetery a short distance further southeast. The sign that has been erected for this cemetery now says Glenville Cemetery, so I assume that is the correct name. It is located off the main road a short distance. It is surrounded by a chain link fence and some large oak trees are located here. It is an old cemetery and not used much anymore.
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwys. 278 and 76, go west toward Waterloo 2.7 miles just past Harrison Chapel church to Rd. 173. Turn left on Rd. 173 and go 6/10ths of a mile where it will intersect Rd. 19 in a curve to the left. Go left on Rd. 19 for 2.7 miles to a fork in the road. Take the road to the right and go 1/10th of a mile. The sign for the cemetery is here. Turn left and immediately turn right down a dim road. Go 1/10th of a mile to the cemetery. This is a dead-end road. This is a remote area with few houses.
Gossett Grave
Gulley Cemetery
This is an old family cemetery located on the Supertree nursery property in the SE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 27, Township 12 South, Range 20 West. It is a small cemetery and is fenced. It was abandoned for many years until the property was purchased by International Paper and the cemetery was cleaned up when the nursery was developed. The last burial in the cemetery was in 1930.
Driving directions: From Bluff City, go southwest on Hwy. 299 about four miles to Ebenezer Cemetery. Turn left on Rd. No. 423 and go about two miles to the Gragg Supertree nursery. Just before you get to the office building, a dim road to the right will lead to the cemetery. Since this is a working nursery, you will need to check in at the office first before visiting the cemetery. The cemetery is a short distance from the office.
Harmony Cemetery
This cemetery is located in the NW1/4 SW1/4 of Section 33, Township 12 South, Range 22 West. It is directly behind the Harmony Methodist church on Hwy. 73. The cemetery is fenced and well maintained.
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwy. 53 and Hwy. 73, go west on Hwy. 73 for 9/10ths of a mile. The church and cemetery will be on your right.
Harrison Chapel Cemetery (Black)
This cemetery is located on the north side of Hwy. 76 approximately two miles east of Waterloo. It is an African-American cemetery and is adjacent to Harrison Chapel Baptist Church. It is fairly large in size, fenced, and maintained.
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwy. 371 and Hwy. 76, go east approximately 2 1/2 miles to the small community of Waterloo, continue on a little over two miles. The cemetery and church will be on your left.
About 15 marked graves could not be identified.
Head Graves
These graves were listed in the old cemetery survey. The location was in a remote area north of Prescott "near the Boneyard". The location given was 10 miles north of Prescott and 4 miles north of Suckles Lake. We were not able to locate the graves for this survey.
Hearon Cemetery
This cemetery is located deep in the woods in southeastern Nevada Co. It is located in the NE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 16, Township 14 South, Range 20 West. Only two marked graves are found here. A sign on a tree identifies it as Hearon Cemetery and the sign states that it is maintained by Lamartine Deer Camp.
Driviing directions: It would be best to get someone familiar with the area to take you to this cemetery. It is seven chains west and five chains north of the southeast corner of the NE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 16 on property owned by Potlatch Corporation. The timber around the cemetery was clear cut about 2001, but a small grove of trees was left around the graves.
Heldebrand Cemetery
This old cemetery contains only two graves and is located deep in the woods northwest of Bluff City. It is in the S1/2 NE1/4 of Section 32, Township 11 South, Range 20 West. It is west of the large power line that runs through that area. The cemetery has been enclosed by a small chain link fence.
Driving directions: From Bluff City, go north toward Prescott on Hwy. 24 for about one mile. Turn left on a dim road and go about two miles. You will pass a deer camp on your right. Continue to the large power line and continue west on a logging road. About 1/4 mile down this road is a sign pointing to the cemetery. Take a right down an even dimmer logging road. Less than 1/4 mile down this road you will find the cemetery on your left by the side of the road. It is located on top of a hill in an area where timber has been cut heavily in recent years.
Holly Springs Cemetery
This well maintained cemetery is located in the SW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 1, Township 14 South, Range 22 West. It is not visible from the main road. It is a large cemetery and is fenced.
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwy. 371 and Hwy. 76 north of Willisville, go south toward Willisville about 3/4ths of a mile. Take the first road to the right (Rd. 124) and go west two miles to an intersection. Continue west on Rd. 124 for 1/2 mile to a sharp curve to the right. Go about 1/4 mile and take a dim road to the right to the cemetery. This is a dead-end road.
Kendrick Chapel Cemetery (Black)
This is an African-American cemetery located southeast of Willisville in the northwest corner of the SW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 34, Township 14 South, Range 21 West. It is on a hillside across the road from Kendrick Chapel Baptist church.
Driving directions: From Willisville, go south toward Waldo for 2.9 miles. Turn left on Rd. No. 6 and go 1.4 miles. The cemetery will be on your right across the road from the church.
Homemaker's Survey done in 1970
Laneburg Cemetery
This cemetery is located in the SE1/4 NW1/4 of Section 23, Township 12 South, Range 22 West. It is just north of the Laneburg Baptist church and is fenced. Driving directions--The cemetery is just north of Laneburg Baptist Church.
Laneburg Cemetery West (Black)
The official name for this cemetery is Laneburg Cemetery West--African-American. This is not the main Laneburg Cemetery which is located on Hwy. 371 by Laneburg Baptist Church. This one is located on the cut-off road (now Hwy. 372) between Hwy. 371 and Hwy. 53. It is fenced and is maintained, although not as well as some. It is about 1/4 mile west of the old Laneburg High School, which is now closed. The old school buildings are still standing.
Driving directions: From Laneburg, go west by John Henry's store on Hwy. 372 for about one mile. The cemetery will be on your right about 1/4 mile past the old school and will just before you intersect with Hwy. 53. It is visible from the road.
Lebanon Cemetery
This small cemetery is located on an oil field road in the NE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 5, Township 14 South, Range 20 West. It is an old cemetery, and there have been no recent burials.The cemetery is fenced and maintained. Large oak trees are at this location. The stump of a very large tree still stands near the gate.
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwy. 278 and Hwy. 76, go west toward Waterloo for 8/10ths of a mile. Turn right on an oil field road across highway from the water tower (hard to see). Go about 3/10ths of a mile. The road passes close to the cemetery, which will be on your right.
Liberty Cemetery - Redland
A well-maintained cemetery located at the intersection of County Rds. 18 and 35 one mile north of Hwy. 24. The cemetery was once known as Mt. Nebo Cemetery.
Driving directions: From Prescott, go toward Camden about six miles and turn left at crossroads on Rd. 35. Go one mile to cemetery which will be on your left.
Liberty Cemetery - Troy
Sometimes called Woodlawn Cemetery. Located in the Troy community. Well maintained and fenced. Located next to old Troy Church of Christ.
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwys. 278 and 57 in Ouachita County, go south toward Stephens on Hwy. 57 and go about three miles. Turn right on Hwy. 332 and go about three miles to cemetery which will be on your right. The road in Nevada County is not paved at this time.
Martin Cemetery
This is a small abandoned cemetery located just north of Hwy. 76 near Waterloo in the southwest corner of Section 3, Township 14 South, Range 21 West. The cemetery is grown up with large pine and hardwood trees. There is no fence. Only one marker was found undisturbed in 2006. The rest were either overturned or broken.
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwy. 371 and Hwy. 76, go east 8/10th of a mile. Mt. Olive Baptist church and cemetery will be on your right. Continue on about 1/4 mile to a gravel road to the right (Rd. No. 162). A deer camp is located across the highway from this intersection. Turn left off Hwy. 76 at the camp and park. A woods road leads north from the camp, but another dim trail leaves the woods road to the right. The cemetery is up this trail a short distance on top of the hill (about 50 yds.)
McKinney Cemetery (Black)
This is an African-American cemetery located near the north line of the NW1/4 SW1/4 of Section 10, Township 14 South, Range 21 West. It is somewhat difficult to find since there are no signs to direct you and there are several oil field roads in this area. The cemetery is still used for burials.
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwy. 371 and Hwy. 76, go east toward Waterloo for one mile. Turn right on County Road 162 and go a little over 1/2 mile and turn left. Go about 2/10ths of a mile and turn left to the cemetery.
A survey of this cemetery was made in 1970 by the Homemakers Clubs
Eighteen marked graves were found that could not be identified in 2019. Twenty-eight graves listed in the 1970 survey could not be found
Mendenhall Cemetery
Mendenhall was once a community just inside Nevada County on Hwy 278 (formerly Hwy. 4). I had heard of a Mendenhall cemetery, but could not find any information about where it was located. Finally, someone told me that they once remembered a few graves on the side of Hwy. 4 just west of the old Mendenhall place. I could not find any markers, so I stopped at the old Mendenhall place where some younger members of the family lived. They told me that a baby was buried there, but the grave had to be moved when the highway was constructed. They said they had the monument out behind the house and asked if I would like to see it. There under a bush was the marker.
Driving directions: The old burial spot was about 1/2 mile west of the Nevada-Ouachita county line on the south side of the highway. There is no evidence of a cemetery at this time.
Midway Cemetery
This is a well maintained and fenced cemetery located adjacent to the Midway Methodist church on Hwy. 371 (formerly Hwy. 24). It is in the NW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 3, Township 11 South, Range 23 West.
Driving directions: From Prescott, go west on Hwy. 371 toward Blevins about five miles. The cemetery and church will be on your left.
Morrow Cemetery
This old cemetery is located in the SE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 15, Township 10 South, Range 23 West. It was once known as Morrow-McCain Cemetery.
Driving directions: From Prescott, go north on Hwy. 19 to Pleasant Hill. Turn left on County Rd. 22 and go west for 1.5 miles. Turn right on a dim road just before crossing Brushy Creek. The cemetery will be about 1/10th of a mile up this dead-end road. The road was gated in 2017.
Moscow Cemetery
This old cemetery is located not far from Prescott. It is in the NW1/4 NW1/4 of Section 22, Township 11 South, Range 22 West. The old Moscow church still stands next to the cemetery, although it has been the victim of some vandalism in recent years. This was the site of a skirmish during the Civil War. The cemetery is well maintained and a new chain link fence was recently installed to curb vandalism
Driving directions: From the southeast side of Prescott, go south on Rd. No. 23, commonly known as the Cale Rd, for 1.5 miles. The church and cemetery will be on your right.
Mt. Moriah No. 2 Cemetery - Black
Second location of Mt. Moriah Cemetery. Older cemetery located further south. Still used for burials. Cemetery expanded and chain link fence installed in 2003
Driving directions: From Upper White Oak Lake, go west toward Bluff City. In the sharp curve just before reaching Holleman Cemetery, turn left (go straight) on a dirt road. From the Nevada County line (which is not marked), go about 1/4th mile and turn left on a dim road. The cemetery is about 1/4 mile down this road.
Mt. Moriah Cemetery - White
This old cemetery is located at Mt. Moriah church in the SE1/4 NW1/4 of Section 6, Township 13 South, Range 21 West. This is one of the oldest communities in Nevada County, once serving as the county seat. The cemetery is well maintained and is fenced. The church still stands. The cemetery is north and west of the church building.
Driving directions: The cemetery is located about half way between Laneburg and Rosston. From the intersection of Hwy. 371 and Hwy. 372, go south toward Rosston for 1.5 miles. The church and cemetery will be on your right.
Mt. Moriah No. 1 Cemetery - Black
A small black cemetery in east Nevada Co. near White Oak Lake. Very difficult to find. Cemetery has now moved to another location further north (see Mt. Moriah No. 2). For information about the location of this cemetery, contact me or employees of the Arkansas Forestry Commission. Evidence of about 25 graves here.
Driving directions: From Upper White Oak Lake, go west toward Bluff City. In the sharp curve just before reaching Holleman Cemetery, turn left (go straight) on a dirt road. Take the first graded forest road to the left and go several miles. You will probably need a guide to find this cemetery and will probably need a four-wheeler.
Mt. Olive Cemetery
This cemetery is located behind Mt. Olive Baptist church on Hwy. 76 in the NE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 9, Township 14 South, Range 21 West. The cemetery is fenced and well maintained. Several graves in this cemetery are covered with mussel shells cemented together.
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwy. 371 and Hwy. 76, go east toward Waterloo 8/10ths of a mile. The church and cemetery will be on your right.
Mt. Vernon Cemetery (Black)
This is an African-American cemetery located in the old Glenville community southeast of Waterloo. It is a fairly large cemetery and is fenced. It is located behind Mt. Vernon church, a relatively new brick structure.
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwy. 278 (formerly Hwy. 4) and Hwy. 76, go west on Hwy. 76 toward Waterloo 2.7 miles just past Harrison Chapel church to Rd. 173. Turn left on Rd. 173 and go 6/10ths of a mile where it intersects with Rd. 19 in a curve to the left. Go left on Rd. 19 for 2.7 miles to a fork in the road. Take the left fork and go 4/10ths of a mile to the church and cemetery, which will be on your right.
Homemakers Survey in 1970
New Home Cemetery
This small, old cemetery is located in the southeast corner of the SE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 27, Township 10 South, Range 23 West. It is in a somewhat remote location, but is easily accessible by gravel roads. It is not fenced. A complete record made in December, 1997.
Driving directions: From Prescott, go north on Hwy. 19 toward Delight about four miles and turn left on Rd. No. 24. Go about 1.5 miles. After making a sharp left hand curve, the cemetery will about 1/4 mile on your left.
New Hope Cemetery - Sanders (Black)
This is an African-American cemetery located in the Sanders community southwest of Willisville. It is near the northeast corner of the NE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 34, Township 14 South, Range 22 West. It lies just west of the New Hope Baptist church and is fenced.
Driving directions: From Falcon, go east toward Waldo for about 1.6 miles. Turn left on Rd. No. 7 and go north about 1.2 miles. Turn right on Rd. No. 4 and go about one mile. The church and cemetery will be on your left.
New Hope Cemetery-Bodcaw
This small cemetery is located near the Hempstead Co. line on County Rd. 5. On some early maps, this is called Ebenezer, not to be confused with the large Ebenezer Cemetery near Bluff City.
Driving directions: From the Nevada-Hempstead county line on Hwy. 278, go a short distance into Hempstead Co. and turn left on a gravel road. Go about 1.5 miles and the cemetery will be on your left on a hillside.
Homemaker's Survey in 1970
New Hope-Terrapin Neck Cemetery
Cemetery is said to be directly behind the New Hope church at the intersection of Hwy. 24 and Hwy. 53 between Bluff City and Prescott. No grave markers were found, but burials were mentioned here in early newspapers.
New Salem Cemetery - Laneburg - White
This cemetery is located on Hwy. 371 south of Laneburg in the SE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 24, Township 12 South, Range 22 West. It is directly behind the New Salem church building. There is another cemetery called New Salem east of Rosston (black). This cemetery is being maintained and covers about one or two acres.
Driving directions: From Laneburg, go south of Hwy. 371 toward Rosston for 1.3 miles. The church and cemetery will be on your right, several hundred feet from the highway. It is hard to see the cemetery from the highway, but it is directly behind the church.
New Salem Cemetery - Rosston - Black
This is an African-American cemetery located about six miles east of Rosston on Hwy. 278. It is fenced and is behind New Salem Baptist Church.
Driving directions: From Rosston, go about six miles on Hwy. 278 toward Camden. The cemetery and church will be on your right.
Several graves could not be identified.
Nubbin Hill/Missionary Grove Cemetery
Also called Missionary Grove Cemetery. Located next to Missionary Grove Baptist Church. Well maintained and fenced. Flat concrete grave markers have been placed recently which identify some of the unknown graves.
Driving directions: From Prescott, go north on Hwy. 67 and turn left on paved County Rd. 37. Go about 4.5 miles to the church and cemetery which will be on your right.
Oliver Cemetery
This small cemetery was established about 2021 or 2022. It is enclosed by an attractive metal fence.
Located on the Reader-Bluff City road at a deer camp about a half mile south of the intersection at Reader.
Pickard Cemetery
Location of this old cemetery is unknown, but it is the vicinity of Bodcaw No. 1 Cemetery. It was mentioned in a newspaper article printed in 1922.
Pine Grove Cemetery (Black)
This African-American cemetery is located near the center of the south line of Section 10, Township 14 South, Range 20 West at the end of County Rd. No. 156. The Pine Grove church is located one half mile north on Rd. No. 25. The cemetery is fairly large in size. A chain link fence surrounds the cemetery and large hardwood trees are found here. The Pine Grove church was located here at one time, but is now one half mile north on Rd. 25. The cemetery is still used for burials.
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwy. 278 (formerly Hwy. 4) and Hwy. 76, go west toward Waterloo about 1/4 mile or less and take the first road to the left (County Rd. No. 25). Go 1.8 miles to a sharp curve to the left. Pine Grove church is located around the curve to your left. In the sharp curve across from the church, go straight down a dim road (Road No. 156) for 1/2 mile to the cemetery. This is a dead-end road.
Homemaker's Survey in 1970 Twenty-five marked graves were found that could not be identified when surveyed in January, 2019.
Piney Grove Cemetery
This well maintained cemetery is located in the southeast corner of the SE1/4 SW!/4 of Section 25, Township 10 South, Range 22 West. A church building once existed across the road southeast of the cemetery. The cemetery is fenced and is still being used for burials. Graves that could not be identified are listed in record as (Unknown) with the location from an existing marker
Driving directions: From the town of Boughton, go southeast on Rd. No. 35 about 1.5 miles to an intersection. The cemetery will be on your right at the intersection.
Pisgah Cemetery
This small cemetery is located southwest of Laneburg in the SW1/4 NW1/4 of Section 28, Township 12 South, Range 22 West. It is an old cemetery, but is fairly well maintained. It is not fenced.
Driving directions: From Laneburg, go west to Hwy. 53. Turn left on Hwy. 53 and go about one mile to Rd. No. 268. Turn right and go 9/10ths of a mile to a T intersection. Turn left on Rd. No. 31 and go 1/10th of a mile. The cemetery will be on your left, visible from the road. A complete record of this cemetery made in December, 1997.
Pleasant Hill Cemetery - South (White)
This well maintained cemetery is located near Willisville behind Pleasant Hill Baptist Church.
Driving directions: From Willisville, go south toward Waldo for 2.9 miles. Turn left on Rd. No. 6 and go 4/10ths of a mile. Turn right and go 1/10th of a mile to the church and fenced cemetery.
Pleasant Hill Cemetery (Black)
This cemetery is just over the fence from the white section directly behind the Pleasant Hill Baptist church. It is located in the eastern part of the SW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 33, Township 14 South, Range 21 West. It has been badly neglected and looks like regular woods timber at this time. A few large cedar trees are located in the old cemetery, which is about 3/4ths of an acre in size. I believe there are probably many unmarked graves here, since the existing markers are scattered over a large area.
Driving directions: From Willisville, go south toward Waldo for 2.9 miles. Turn left on Rd. No. 6 and go 4/10ths of a mile. Turn right and go 1/10th of a mile to the church and fenced cemetery. This cemetery is directly behind the fenced white section.
Pleasant Hill Cemetery - North (White)
This fairly large cemetery is located northwest of Prescott on Hwy. 19 in the NE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 23, Township 10 South, Range 23 West. It is just north of the old Pleasant Hill Church of Christ. The cemetery is fenced and is still used for burials. Was previously called Kay Cemetery.
Driving directions: From Prescott, go north on Hwy. 19 toward Delight five or six miles. The cemetery and church will be on your right next to the highway.
Pleasant Ridge Cemetery
This is a well maintained cemetery a few miles south of Prescott across the road from the Pleasant Ridge church building. It is a fairly large cemetery and is frequently used for burials. This cemetery was previously known as Cantley Cemetery.
Driving directions: From Prescott, go south on Hwy. 371 toward Rosston about four miles. Turn right on Rd. No. 266 and go south about 3/10ths of a mile. The cemetery will be on your left and the church will be across the road.
Prairie Cemetery
According to the 1969 record, this is an old abandoned cemetery located about 1/4 mile from the Prescott city limits near the railroad track toward Gurdon. It stated that 20 or 25 people were buried here. It is on property owned in 2005 by David Hildebrand and can be accessed from a road that follows the eastern right-of-way of the railroad off the Wildcat Road. It is in a pasture behind a locked gate. Permission would be needed to visit the cemetery.
Providence Cemetery
This old cemetery is located just north of I-30 on a dead-end road. It is located in the NW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 15, Township 10 South, Range 22 West. It appears to be fairly well maintained. A gate has been installed about 100 yards from the cemetery to reduce vandalism.
Driving directions: From Prescott, go north toward Gurdon on Hwy. 67 about 5.5 miles and turn left on Rd. No. 35. Go north on Rd. 35 until you cross over I-30 and turn left just across I-30 on Rd. No. 219. Follow this road southwest parallel to I-30 for about 1.3 miles. When the main road turns right, you will need to go straight. The cemetery will be at the end of a dim road (less than 1/2 mile).
Rocky Mound Cemetery
This cemetery is located on the section line between sections 25 and 26 in Township 13 South, Range 21 West. The road is graded to the cemetery, but continues on as a woods road or trail. The cemetery is fenced and is still occasionally used for burials. The first thing I noticed about this cemetery when I visited it was the total lack of grass in the cemetery. The ground is covered with a shale type, rocky soil. I suppose this is how it came to be known as Rocky Mound. It is sometimes called Dixon Cemetery
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwy. 371 and Hwy. 278 in Rosston, go east on Hwy. 278 toward Camden almost three miles and turn left on a dim road that appears to be a logging road (Rd. No. 433). Go north 1/2 mile to the cemetery which is in a clearing on top of a hill.
Rogers Cemetery
This cemetery is in a very remote area. It is a small cemetery surrounded by an old fence. The timber around it was cut several years ago and the land is growing up in brush, briars, and young pine trees.
Driving directions: If you are not familiar with this area of the county, I would advise getting someone to go with you. The area is very isolated and the roads are bad in wet weather. The road leading to the cemetery is a logging road about 2 1/2 miles from the Nevada-Ouachita county line on County Road No. 179 (commonly called Frogshack Road). Turn right on to the logging road and travel northeast for about 1/2 mile. You will have crossed a small gas line which is hard to see. Just after the road turns straight east, turn left on to another dimmer logging road and travel north about 3/4ths of a mile. After crossing a large gas line, a logging road leads to the right, but you should not take it. The road you are on will pass through the cut over area and gradually get dimmer. About 1/4 mile past the gas line a trail will lead off to the right. Park and walk from here to the cemetery. A large pine tree stands near the cemetery and a large hardwood tree is further east.
Rosston Cemetery
This well-maintained cemetery is located on the south side of Rosston on a hillside directly west of the intersection of Hwy. 371 and Hwy. 278. It is fenced and visible from the highway.
Driving directions: Go to the intersection of Hwy. 371 and Hwy. 278 on the south side of Rosston. The cemetery will be visible from this intersection.
Round Oak Cemetery
This small cemetery is located near the west line of the NE1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 24, Township 14 South, Range 20 West. It is located on the north side of a graded timber access road about 3/4ths of a mile from the Ouachita County line. The road is in good shape in dry weather, but can get slick in spots during wet weather. The cemetery is fairly well maintained even though the last person buried there was in 1941.
Ouachita County, go south toward Stephens on Hwy. 57 for three miles. Turn right on Hwy. 332 and go about 1.5 miles and turn left on a dirt road in a curve at the top of a hill. This road will be on the Nevada-Ouachita county line. Ouachita County calls it No. 127 and Nevada County calls it No. 159, but there may not be road signs posted. Go south about 3/4 ths of a mile and turn right on road No. 443 (there may not be a sign). Go about 3/4th of a mile. The cemetery will be on the right side of the road.
When I visited this cemetery in 2011, I noticed a small pet cemetery across the road. There were three grave markers with dates.
Sandefur Cemetery
This is the resting place of three Sandefur children. The earlier records called it the Near Laneburg Cemetery, but I prefer to list it with the family name. It is located on the west side of Hwy. 371, just north of Laneburg Cemetery. I was told it was only a short distance from the highway, but I could not locate the exact spot. It is in the E1/2 NW1/4 of Section 23, Township 12 South, Range 22 West.
Driving directions: The cemetery is located on the west side of Hwy. 371 a short distance north of Laneburg Cemetery. There is an old road leading off the highway through a gate into a small field. I was told the graves were on the north side of this road, not far from the highway and that the stones were broken and lying on the ground.
Serepta Spring Cemetery
This very small cemetery is located next to Serepta Spring campground in the W1/2 SE1/4 of Section 29, Township 12 South, Range 21 West. It contains only a few graves and is fenced. The record of this cemetery was made in 1997.
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwy. 299 and Hwy. 372, go south on Hwy. 372 about 1/2 mile. A dim road to the left will lead to the campground. The old campshed still stands. The cemetery is across the road and will be to your left as you drive in.
Shady Grove Cemetery
This small cemetery is located in the northeast corner of Section 7, Township 11 South, Range 21 West. It is directly behind the Shady Grove Baptist church building. It is not fenced and is maintained along with the church grounds.
Turn left on Rd. No. 250 and go north for one mile to an intersection. The church and cemetery will be on your left.
Shiloh No. 1 Cemetery
This cemetery is located in the NE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 26, Township 14 South, Range 23 West. It is located by the side of the road leading to Shiloh Church. The cemetery is well maintained and is fenced.
Driving directions: From Bodcaw, go south on Hwy. 53 toward Falcon a little over two miles to the intersection with Hwy. 32 (Brockman Hill). Turn right on Rd. No. 3 and go about three miles to a crossroads. Turn left on Rd. No. 5 and go about 3/10ths of a mile. Turn left and go about 1/4th mile. The cemetery will be on your left, visible from the county road.
Shiloh No. 2 Cemetery
This cemetery is about one half acre in size and is located a short distance south of another Shiloh Cemetery which is on the road leading to Shiloh church. I do not know why two cemeteries are so close together. This one sits on top of a hill about 100 feet east of the county road and is fenced with a wire fence. There is a survey marker at one corner near the gate. The cemetery is being maintained and has very old graves as well as some recent burials.
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwy. 53 and Hwy. 32 about two miles south of Bodcaw, go west on Rd. No. 3 to a crossroads (about three miles). Turn left on Rd. No. 5 and go about one half mile. The cemetery will be on your left on top of a hill and will only be about 1/10th of a mile past the other Shiloh Cemetery and church.
Smyrna Cemetery
This is an old cemetery that has been abandoned for many years. It is fairly large in size, but is made up of several plots surrounded by fences or low concrete walls. It is badly overgrown with brush and briars. A large tree has fallen on top of one monument. I decided to make a complete record of this cemetery, but I
Driving directions: From Prescott, go north on Hwy. 19 toward Delight about one mile north of I-30. Turn right on Rd. No. 42 and go one half mile. Turn right on Rd. No. 39 and go about one mile. Just before you get to a sharp curve to the left, a woods road will lead to the right. The cemetery is about 500 feet down this trail and will be on your left. You will probably need to walk from the county road.
Snell Cemetery - Black Section
Snell Cemetery is located just southeast of Emmet on the section line between Sections 10 and 11, Township 12 South, Range 23 West. It is a very large cemetery, covering several acres. A black section joins the white section on the south separated by a fence.
Driving directions: From Emmet, go south on Rd. No. 33 about one half mile. Turn left on Rd. No. 273. The cemetery will be about one half mile on your right.
Snell Cemetery - White Section
Snell Cemetery is located just southeast of Emmet on the section line between Sections 10 and 11, Township 12 South, Range 23 West. It is a very large cemetery, covering several acres. A black section joins the white section on the south separated from the larger part by a fence. The white section is very well maintained and is frequently used for burials.
Driving directions: From Emmet, go south on Rd. No. 33 about one half mile. Turn left on Rd. No. 273. The cemetery will be about one half mile on your right.
St. John Cemetery (Black)
This is an African-American cemetery associated with St. John Baptist church located on Hwy. 299 near Bluff City. It is located in the SW1/4 SW1/4 of Section 26, Township 12 South, Range 20 West near the International Paper Co. seedling nursery. Until the nursery was developed, the cemetery was accessible by woods roads that were not graded unless a burial was planned. It is still in a very remote spot, but the access is better. The cemetery is fenced, but is not maintained as well as it should be.
Driving directions: From Bluff City, go southwest on Hwy. 299 for about four miles to Ebenezer Cemetery. Turn left on Rd. No. 423 and go east about two miles to the International Paper Co. nursery. Go by the office and continue south about 1/2 mile to the cemetery which will be on your right. The road will be dim past the office building.
St. Peters Cemetery (Black)
This is an African-American cemetery located southeast of Willisville in the northeast corner of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 21, Township 14 South, Range 21 West. It is fenced, but not as well maintained as it should be. It is still used for burials.
Driving directions: From Willisville, go east on County Road No. 8 a little over one mile and turn right on County Road No. 161. Go south 1/2 mile and go around a curve to your right. The cemetery will be along the road to your left. If you continue on this road and stay to your right, you will come out on Hwy. 371 about 2 miles south of Willisville.
Steed Cemetery
This is a new cemetery containing only one grave at the present time. It is located a few miles north of Morris on Rd. No. 23. It is not fenced at this time, but is maintained by the Steed family.
Driving directions: From Morris, go north on Rd. No. 23 for 2.3 miles. This will be just before you reach Rd. No. 16. The cemetery will be on your right on a knoll, not far from the road. The monument is visible from the road as you drive by.
Sweet Home Cemetery
This predominantly African-American cemetery is in the Upchurch community. Cemetery. Some white graves are found in west side of cemetery and those are listed under "Bryson Cemetery- Sweet Home". The fence surrounds both the black and white graves athough there is one grave outside the fence on the west side in the woods. Sweet Home Cemetery is still active. Sixty seven graves marked by metal markers could not be identified in 2018 survey.
Driving directions: From Prescott, go east toward Camden on Hwy. 24 about 8 miles, cross Terre Rouge Creek, and turn right on Rd. 290. Go about 3/4th of a mile and turn right on Rd. 407. Go about 3/4ths of a mile and merge with Rd. 41. Go a short distance to the cemetery which will be on your right.
Tick Hill Cemetery
This cemetery is located on located on Rd. 19 in the extreme southeastern corner of Nevada County, not far from the Columbia County line. It is near the southeast corner of the SE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 4, Township 14 South, Range 20 West. The cemetery is well maintained and is surrounded by a chain link fence
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwy. 278 and Hwy. 76, go west toward Waterloo 2.7 miles just past Harrison Chapel church to Rd. 173. Turn left on Rd. 173 and go 6/10ths of a mile where it will intersect Rd. 19 in a curve to the left. Go left on Rd. 19 2.7 miles to a fork in the road. Take the left fork and go 1.2 miles to a T intersection. Turn right (you will still be on Rd. 19) and go 2.6 miles to the cemetery, which will be on your right.
Union Cemetery
This is one of the most beautiful cemeteries in Nevada County. It is fenced, very well maintained, and is situated in the gently rolling hills north of Bodcaw. It is a very large cemetery, covering several acres.
Driving directions: From Bodcaw, go north of Hwy. 53 for 2.7 miles to Union Baptist church. Turn right on Rd. No. 9 and go 4/10ths of a mile. The cemetery will be on your right.
Thirteen graves were not found that were listed in the 1970 record or were buried here according to their obituaries.
Union Grove Cemetery (Black)
This is an African-American cemetery located next to Union Grove Baptist Church between Bluff City and Reader.
Driving directions: From Bluff City, go toward Reader on Rd. 27 for about 1.5 miles. The church and cemetery will be on your left.
Fifteen graves marked with metal funeral home markers could not be identified in the 2018 survey. An earlier record made in 1970 had over 100 other names listed that we could not find in our first survey in 1998. It does not appear that there is room for that many unmarked graves. Some of the names may been listed differently from what was put on the grave marker at a later date.
Waldrep Cemetery
This small cemetery is located in the the SW1/4 NE1/4 of Section 6, Township 15 South, Range 21 West. It is enclosed by a chain link fence and is maintained.
Driving directions: From Willisville, go south on Hwy. 371 toward Waldo for 3.1 miles. Turn right on Rd. 6 and go 1.7 miles. The cemetery will be on your right about 50 yards off the county road. There is a sign on the road.
Washington Hill Cemetery (Black)
This African-American cemetery is located in the southwest corner of the SE1/4 SE1/4 of Section 21, Township 10 South, Range 22 West. A new chain link fence and other improvements were made about 2010.
Driving directions: From Prescott, go north on Hwy. 67 toward Gurdon a little over two miles and turn left on Rd. No. 220. Go north on Rd. 220 about 1.5 miles. The cemetery will be on your left visible from the road.
Homemakers Club Survey in 1970
Watts Cemetery Black Section
This African-American cemetery is across the fence from Watts Cemetery, which is white. Most people today refer to it as Watts Cemetery, but the earlier records called it Davidson. The old Davidson church building still stands here, but is not used. The African-American section is still used frequently for burials. The cemetery is not as well maintained as some.
Driving directions: From Willisville, go east on Rd. No. 8 for six miles. The old church and cemetery will be on your left.
Homemaker's Survey --1970
Watts Cemetery-White Section
This old cemetery is located in the southern part of Nevada County six miles southeast of Willisville. There is a black and white section separated by a fence. I believe the black section is sometimes called Davidson Cemetery. The The old Davidson church still stands at this location. The cemetery has been neglected and was badly grown up in weeds and even large pine trees when I visited it in November, 1997, but I returned in January, 1998 and found that it had been mowed. This survery is only of the area inside the chain link fence. For the record of the black section, see Watts Cem. (black section)
Driving directions: From Willisville, go east on Rd. No. 8 for six miles. The old church and cemetery will be on your left.
Homemaker's Survey in 1970
Westmoreland Cemetery
This small cemetery is located a few miles north of Morris in the SE1/4 SW1/4 of Section 10, Township 12 South, Range 21 West. The cemetery is fenced and well maintained and is still used for burials. Several houses are within sight of the cemetery
Driving directions: From Morris, go north of Rd. No. 23 for 2.5 miles to Rd. No. 16. Continue on Rd. No. 23 for 1/2 mile. The cemetery will be on your left.
White Church Cemetery - Black Section
This cemetery is located at the same location as the white section. A fence divides the two sections. The earlier record states that it was also known as Walter
Driving directions: Go north off Hwy. 4 (now Hwy. 278) on County Rd. No. 46 (just west of the Nevada-Ouachita county line) for about three miles. The cemetery will be on your right just before an intersection in which the road makes a sharp curve to the left.
White Church Cemetery - White Section
This cemetery is located in the SW1/4 SW1/4 of Section 13, Township 13 South, Range 20 West. It has black and white sections separated by a fence. The cemetery is well maintained, even though it is located in a somewhat isolated part of the county.
Driving directions: Go north off Hwy. 278 (formerly Hwy. 4) on Rd. No. 46 (just west of the Nevada-Ouachita county line) for about three miles. The cemetery will be on your right just before an intersection in which the main road makes a sharp curve to the left. There are no families living in this area at this time.
Wilbun Cemetery
Someone told me about a grave in the woods north of Falcon. After talking to people who lived nearby, I was able to locate it. It is a beautiful old tombstone with nice ornamental sculpture. It is located in the SE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 32, Township 14 South, Range 22 West. It is about 500 feet from the east line of that forty and about 100 north of the main woods road through Section 32. The property now belongs to Deltic Farm and Timber Co. and is a mature pine forest at this time. The road is blocked with a cable at Hwy. 53. UPDATE-- I checked the grave 2-17-2005 and found the grave marker had been broken (probably from logging). I flagged the grave and GPS'd the location, but I fear this grave will soon be lost. I returned a few days later and marked the grave site with an iron pipe about four feet high and painted white.
Driving directions: From Falcon, go north on Hwy. 53 toward Bodcaw for a little over one mile. When the road straightens out, go about 1/4 mile. The woods road will be on your right between two hay meadows. (across the highway and a little north of the Dockery residence).
Willisville Cemetery
This is a relatively new cemetery near the center of Willisville adjacent to the Willisville United Methodist church. It is well maintained and fenced. The location is east of Hwy. 371 and north of County Road No. 8.
Driving directions: Go to Willisville. Go east on County Road No. 8 a short distance. The church and cemetery will be on your left. The cemetery is off the road a few hundred feet behind the church.
Wilson-Mendenhall (Rocky Mound) - (Black)
This is an old abandoned African-American cemetery . Local residents say it was once known as Rocky Mound Cemetery. Only two graves are marked, but there are many graves marked by rocks. The approximate size is one half acre. I am told a church associated with this cemetery once existed on the north side of Hwy. 371 across from the woods road that leads to the cemetery.
Driving directions: From Rosston, go west on Hwy. 278 (formerly Hwy. 4) toward Hope for about 2 1/2 miles. About 1/4 mile past Rd. 36, there is a logging road leaving the highway to the left in a curve. The cemetery is down this road about 1/4 mile on the left side of the road.
Woodell Cemetery
This old burial place is located on the north side of Hwy. 24 about one half mile northwest of the intersection of Hwys. 24 and 53. The legal description will be in the northwest corner of Section 16, Township 11 South, Range 20 West. I am calling it the Woodell Cemetery because this was the only name that could be found.
Driving directions: From the intersection of Hwy. 24 and Hwy. 53, go toward Prescott on Hwy. 24 for about one half mile. The graves will be on your right almost directly across the highway from the old Redfearn house and a field. The graves are just off the highway right-of-way. The marker with the name was leaning up against a tree when I visited the site.

This survey is copyright ©1997-2024 by Jerry and Jeanie McKelvy. All rights are reserved. The McKelvy's grant the right to use listings on these web pages and in these databases for an individual's research project, but no commercial (for profit) publishing is allowed without the written consent of Jerry and Jeanie McKelvy.

References to an "earlier record" usually refer to a survey conducted in the 1950's by the Nevada County Extension Homemakers' Clubs, the original of which is on file at the Nevada County Depot and Museum.

Since 1997, Jery and Jeanie McKelvy have conducted a periodic canvas of each cemetery in the county and use additional resources to keep the listings current.