403 West First Street South
PO Box 592
Prescott AR 71857
Phone: (870) 887-5821
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I am a descendant of the Bragg and Harris Family. My great grandfather was Dudley Bragg. I'm trying to trace back family records and facts. I need help and I hope you can assist me in anyway. My family would be most appreciative. After reviewing the records for the cemetery you have on the inter-net, I noticed there were named ommitted. I would like to help in updating the cemetey records for Sweet Home Cemetery. I came down this summer with a notebook and pen, I started recording names and dates from the headstones. How is this list updated and who do I converse with? I look to hear from you soon! Thank You for your cooperation. [Admin's Reply: The Depot Museum is the owner of the records. PCFA.ORG posts comments, such as this one, to the comments page. At some point in the future, we hope to make it possible for Internet users to post their own comments which can "attach" to the records.]
Comment by Korletta Gayle (Bragg) Birts (Birts56@aol.com) on 1998-09-15 to General.
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