403 West First Street South
PO Box 592
Prescott AR 71857
Phone: (870) 887-5821
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I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting your web page. I located some of my family through the cemetery listings. However, I'd like some information on locating informtion on African American residents of Nevada County (1860- to present). Do you know if any slave owners' families kept their slave logs, o r have passed down information through the oral tradition. My family name is Porter. My great-great-grandfather's name was Sam Porter, my great-grandfather's name was Isaiah Porter and my grandfather's name was Willie Porter. Family legend says that the family changed its name from Alexander to Porter before 1900. Sam Porter/Alexander also owned land in Nevada County in the 1800's. Any information that anyone may have on the family names: Porter, Alexander, Allen, Christopher, or Box please contact me.