Photo Book 2

Early car tag
Photo Book 2 -
Early car tag issued in Prescott. - 1924
Prescott High School
Photo Book 2 -
Prescott High School, built in1911 in an effort to locate an agricultural college in Prescott. The college located in Magnolia. Building was used as high school until 1966. - 1911
Junior High School
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Junior High School built in 1927 for grades 5th through 8th. Buildung was razed in 1957. The girls entered through door on left and boys to the right door. - 1927
Unknown Family
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Family unknown. Photo probably made in early 1900's. Typical dress, appearance and house of the "40 acres & a mule" era. - 1900s
Prescott High School football team
Photo Book 2 -
Early, probably 1915, Prescott High School Football Team. Take magnifying glass, see if you can identify the players. - 1915
High school band on Chamber of Commerce tour
Photo Book 2 -
High School on Chamber of Commerce Tour of county in 1939. Picture made at Cale in front of Gene Smith's Store. - 1939
A member of the Terri Hughes Family
Photo Book 2 -
A member of the family of Terri Hughes. This vehicle was the "BMW" of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. - 1900s
Bluff Springs School
Photo Book 2 -
Bluff Springs School in the early 1900's, Henry and Mildred Whitten were the entire faculty. Bluff Springs School was near the present church and existed untill about 1930. - 1900s
Prescott High School Auditorium
Photo Book 2 -
Prescott High School Auditorium, Pre 1930's. - 1920s
Holly Springs School
Photo Book 2 -
Holly Springs School, 1920's. Henry and Mildred Whitten are the Faculty. - 1920s
Prescott Boys Band
Photo Book 2 -
Prescott Boys Band, 1930. Mr. Dan Pittman, sponsor is at the leftrear. Mr. Fred Martin, Band Master, extreme left front. - 1930
Prescott High School auditorium
Photo Book 2 -
Another vier of PHS auditorium, pre 1930's. - 1920s
Cavalry Horses
Photo Book 2 -
Cavalry horses being unloaded at the North Siding in Prescott during the 1941 Army Manuevers. - 1941
The Nevada News and Prescott Daily News
Photo Book 2 -
This picture and the next two are of the interior of The Nevada News and Prescott Daily News office during the late 1920's. The people shown are members of the Tye Johnson Family, longtime publishers of these papers. - 1920s
The Nevada News and The Prescott Daily News
Photo Book 2 -
Same caption as above. See vol 52 no 10 and vol 52 no 13. - 1920s
The Nevada News and Prescott Daily News
Photo Book 2 -
Same caption as above two. See vol 52 no 10 and 11. - 1920s
Undefeated Prescott Aggies
Photo Book 2 -
Left to Right Top Row. Coach McGill, Lrighton McGill, Roy Davis, Arlis White, John Sage, Homer GrahamHarold Parker, Hugh Hart, Roy Peachy, Foster Jones and Brad Scott.
Bottom Row. Paul Hubbard, Terral Moore, Phill Burns, Allen Gee, Lloyd Carruthers, Captain Cecil Johnson, Ray Peachy, Craig Williams, Coy Hawkins, Seirell Munn and Byron Carruthers. - 1921
Undefeated Prescott Aggies
Photo Book 2 -
Same photo as Vol - 52 - No 19. A game with Pine Bluff in late 1921 caused a Little Rock Sports Reporter to write that the Prescott Team fought like "Curly Wolves" ! This Name has followed the Prescott Team ever since. - 1921
Coach McGill's Curly Wolves
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Coach McGill's Curly Wolves 1922. - 1922
Coach McGill's Curly Wolves
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Coach McGill's Curly Wolves 1922. - 1922
Prescott Curly Wolves
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1930 Curly Wolves Team. - 1930
Prescott High School science lab
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Science lab PHS 1915. Prof. Dunnaway righr rear, Emond Logan right foreground. - 1915
First Junior High class
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Possibly the first class to occupy Junior High School. 1927 or 1928. - 1920s
A Prescott High School Class
Photo Book 2 -
PHS class, year unknown and no idenities. If you can identify this or any any other pictures PLEASE let us know. - none
Prescott Curley Wolves
Photo Book 2 -
1932 Curley Wolves. Carl Dalrymple, Sr. Coach. - 1932
Prescott Curley Wolves
Photo Book 2 -
Curley Wolves in late 40's or early 50's. Can you identify? - 1940s
Wolf Bashetball Team
Photo Book 2 -
1928 Wolves Basketball Team.
Front Row - Penny Black, Mitchey Cottingham, unknown, unknown and Nat Woosley
Back Row - unknown, ???? Starnes, unknown, unknown, unknown, Red Johnson, Coach Bo Scott and unknown. - 1928
McKinnon Reunion
Photo Book 2 -
McKinnon reunion. See vol 50 no 7, 6 and 16. - 1940s
McKinnon Reunion
Photo Book 2 -
McKinnon reunion. See vol 50 no 5, 6 and 16. - 1940s
McKinnon Reunion
Photo Book 2 -
McKinnon reunion. See vol 50 no 5,7 and 16. - 1940s
McKinnon Reunion
Photo Book 2 -
These are pictures of a Mckinnon Family reunion near the end of World War No 2. Note the car, the style of dress, the uniform of returning soldiers and the fact that seperate pictures were made of the men and the women. Also see vol 50 no 5,6 and 7. - 1940s
Hand written names of students in vol 53 no 18
Photo Book 2 -
Names of students in upper right Vol - 53 - No 18 date unknown.
1st Row - Harris Powell, Vernon Stephens, Chase Stephens, Richard White, Ivan Caldwell, unknown, Lester Steed, Mark Blakely, Sam Taylor White, Earl Fairburn ?, Harold Brooks, unknown
2nd Row - Ethel Bailey, Elise Milburn, Beulah Hesterly, Kitty Marshall, Ethel Majors, Marion Aburrow, unknown, Mildred Johnson, Marie McKay, Inez Nelson, Fannie Haynie and ????Munn
3rd Row - Sue Haltom, Mary McCullough, Daisy Marshall, Jennie Scott, Leola Smith, Verdie Michols, Gladys Ferguson ?, Bessie Hawkins, Stella Hawkins and Bessie Barnes
4th Row - Miss Laura Hardin - Teacher, unknown, Fred Horn, unknown, Floyd Hubbard, unknown, unknown, Doc Billingsly, Leonard Hamby, Allen Marshall, Saxon Regan and Martin Guthrie - 1900s
Grammer school class or classes
Photo Book 2 -
Picture of a grammer school class or classes, possibly 1904 or 1905. See vol 53 no 17 for names. - 1900s
Prescott High School Play
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Check caption on vol 53 no 5. - 1920s
Prescott High School Play
Photo Book 2 -
These two photos show scenes on the stage of PHS, probably about 1927 to 1930, of a play produced by the high school. This may have been "The Student Prince". Also see vol 53 no 4. - 1920s
Prescott Curley Wolves
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Curley Wolves 1928. - 1928
Fred Trexler
Photo Book 2 -
Fred Trexler and his Centennial Black Smith exhibition. 1972. - 1972
Photo Book 2 -
Hillerest, located at 5th & Pine Streets. - none
Centennial scene
Photo Book 2 -
Centennial scene in the park 1972. - 1972
Masthead of Hope Star
Photo Book 2 -
Masthead of Hope Star, Prescott City Centennial, 1972. Hope Star dated Monday, May 29, 1972. - 1972
Typical Centennial Exhibit
Photo Book 2 -
Typical Centennial exhibit. This was a typical scene in the days before Women's Lib. George Ivy enlisted the aid of some local womenin getting his car moving. His passenger, Tim Taylor, was reluctant to lend his help.Mrs. John E. Palmer Jr., (front) Mrs. George Ivy, and Mrs. James Greer help get the 1912 White Auto moving. Mrs R. A. Stanton of Prescott is the owner of the car, one of many exhibited during the Centennial. - 1972
The last train ride
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The last train ride from this depot. P. & NW Centennial train. - 1972
The "bar" in the depot
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During the Centennial week this entire depot was an exhibit. The "bar" shown in this picture was in the hallway at the center of the depot. George Ivey built a frontier cabin in the North waiting room and various displays were in the remainder of the building. - 1972
Primary School building
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Primary School Building in use from early 1900's - 1936. - 1900s
Second Tom Allen School
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The second Tom Allen School built after the first, a wooden structure burned about 1906. - 1910
Photo Book 2 -
Gymnasium built by the WPA in 1936-37. Located at the corner of West Elm and 3rd. - 1940s
Prescott High School
Photo Book 2 -
Prescott High School built in 1911 in an attempt to lure the two year college built at Magnolia to Prescott. Remodeled in 1942 and razed in 1976. Was located just East of the Superintendents office-science building at the present campus. - 1911
East entrance to court house
Photo Book 2 -
East entrance to the 1915 Court House. - 1915
Prescott High School
Photo Book 2 -
View of High School, 1919. We do not know what the occasion was but the original photo was dated. - 1919
Weighing cotton picked by hand
Photo Book 2 -
Weighing Cotton picked by hand. - none
Prescott Hardware Fire
Photo Book 2 -
Prescott Hardware Fire, 1890's. Note that the negative was reversed in the photo from which this was copied. - 1890s
Old Mike
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"Old Mike" possibly Prescott's most famous citizen. See Vol - 7 - No 10. - none
The Pittman residence
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The Pittman residence located at East 2nd & Cedar Sts. The present location of the Central Baptist Church parking lot. - none
Prescott High School Football team
Photo Book 2 -
1919 PHS Football Team. Can you identify any of the players? Team was known as the "Aggies" or "Cardinals" until 1921 when they were labelrd "Curly Wolves" by a Little Rock Sports writer. Some say that the name came from a Short Story of the day by Jack London. - 1919
North view from court house dome
Photo Book 2 -
View, Looking North, from the Dome of the 1915 Court House. Picture probably made 1925 - 1929. - 1920s
Old Mike
Photo Book 2 -
"Old Mike" possibly Prescott's most famous citizen. - none
World War I, War Bond Parade
Photo Book 2 -
World War I War Bond Parade. Note the solid tires and chains on truck. - none
World War I Recruits
Photo Book 2 -
World War I recruits (unknown whether volunteers or draftees) assembled on lawn in front of Court House. - none
World War I Recruits
Photo Book 2 -
World War I recruits. Same photo as Vol - 54 - No 11 - none
Prescott Hardware Anniversary Sale
Photo Book 2 -
Prescott Hardware with the Anniversary Signs up noting their annual sale. 1928. - 1928
West 1st Street looking west
Photo Book 2 -
West 1st. street looking west from Main St. Look carefully with magnifying glass and see train at depot. Photo made in early 1950's. - 1950s
Crowd at depot
Photo Book 2 -
This Depot with crowd waiting the arrival of a political candidate. POSSIBLY for 1912 opening of this depot. - 1910s
Crowd at depot
Photo Book 2 -
We do not know the occasion for the crowd at the depot. Note the water tank in the upper right. The tank remained in this location only a short time after the depot was built in 1912. The tank was moved to the East side of the tracks south of the depot. This crowd was POSSIBLY on hand for the opening of the depot in 1912. - 1910s
Water tank and stand pipe
Photo Book 2 -
Shows both the water tank, built in 1930's, and old STAND PIPE built in the 1890's. - 1930s
Crowd at Court House
Photo Book 2 -
Crowd gathered at the Court House for a political speaking about 1926 or 1927. - 1920s
Broadway Hotel
Photo Book 2 -
Picture post card of the Broadway Hotel. 1950's. - 1950s
South bound passenger & mail train in 1950s.
Photo Book 2 -
South Bound passenger & mail train, 1950's. Train had just crossed Walnut Street Crossing. Note 282 Esso sign in background. Reason for name "282 Esso" is that was their first telephone number. - 1950s
Water tower and standpipe
Photo Book 2 -
Another view of water tank & Standpipe. Note Stripling's Farm Supply feed warehouse in right center of picture. Christophers Store is on the left. Jerry Milam later put in an electric shop in the center of this picture. - 1930s
Happy Hour for soldiers
Photo Book 2 -
Happy Hour, many businesses held each day for Soldiers on Manuvers 1941. Man at lower left seated is Cecil Johnson. Ladies are Clara Johnson and Martha Gordon. - 1941
Happy Hour for soldiers
Photo Book 2 -
Same as Vol - 56 - No 20 above, close up. - 1941
Company 'C' 153rd Infantry on parade
Photo Book 2 -
Company "C", 153rd Infantry on parade of mobilization, Dec. 1941. - 1941
Nevada Theatre
Photo Book 2 -
Nevada Theatre as it opened in 1930's. Located on East Elm St. A first run movie house with state of the art equipment. Closed in 1960's after Television "took over" in the 1950's. - 1930s
Possibly crowd gathered for theatre opening
Photo Book 2 -
This MAY have been the crowd gathered for the grand opening of the Theatre... Do you know? - 1930s
McMahan Sinclair
Photo Book 2 -
McMahan Sinclair "77" Service Station with crowd gathered for cash drawing put on by the C of C. 1930's. Library is now in this building. - none1930s
West 1st Street
Photo Book 2 -
West 1st Street, looking North from West Elm. - 1930s
School Band in parade
Photo Book 2 -
School Band, summer of 1938, passing corner of East Elm & 2nd. Mr. Ruel Oliver, Band Director in foreground. - 1938
Sinclair station
Photo Book 2 -
Sinclair station located East Main & 1st. 1940's. Later a beauty shop, Chicken Country and at this writing a meat shop (1997). Vacant 2001. - 1940s
Lobby of Loda Hotel
Photo Book 2 -
Interior lobby of Loda Hotel. We know the people in this picture but have no idea the purpose of the meeting. Note tile floor. - none
North view from old freight dock
Photo Book 2 -
Looking North from the old Freight Dock at West Elm & 1st. - none
Prescott's first born dies
Photo Book 2 -
Account of death of Prescott's first born child, Thad Buchanan. See display frame. Feb. 11, 1938. - 1938
Cora Donnell Hospital.
Photo Book 2 -
Cora Donnell Hospital as built in 1921-23. - 1920s
Cora Donnell Hospital
Photo Book 2 -
Hospital as remodeled in 1930's. - 1930s
Greeson Sanitarium
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Greeson Sanitarium. One of Prescott's earliest Medical facilities. Located where First Baptist Church now stands. - none
Dr.s Al and Gil Buchanan
Photo Book 2 -
Dr's. Al & Gil Buchanan, Prescott outstanding medical men, 1920's through 1940's. Builders of Cora Donnell Hospital. - 1930s
Park Hotel
Photo Book 2 -
Park Hotel, originally Park Sanatarium. An early 1920's Medical Facility. - 1913
Chastain Hospital
Photo Book 2 -
Chastain Hospital located at West Main & 3rd St. Early 1900's. - 1900s
Men's Bible Class
Photo Book 2 -
Men's Bible Class, First Presbyterian Church. 1940's 1950's. This was the largest such class in town at the time. Over 100 Members. - 1940s
Cantley Sisters
Photo Book 2 -
Cantley sisters, Annie, Laura & Ollie. Photo made in 1893. Typical pose and portriature of the day. Note that the photo was made by C. H. Dome, An early photographer. - 1893
Arkansas School for the Deaf Students
Photo Book 2 -
Arkansas School for the Deaf Students, Little Rock. Date Unknown. Was Probably during the early 1900's. - 1900s
Arkansas School for the Deaf Basketball Team
Photo Book 2 -
Arkansas School for the Deaf Senior Basketball Team. 1930. - 1930
Auto and road of early 1900's
Photo Book 2 -
Typical auto and road of the early 1900's. Those ruts in the road were the "power steering" of the day. Photos furnished by Teri Hughes. All are her "kinfolks" - 1900s
Jesse Johnson Family
Photo Book 2 -
Jesse Johnson Family. Made about 1900. - 1900
Mitchell Family near Laneburg
Photo Book 2 -
Mitchell Family, with transportation in front of their home near Laneburg. Picture 1895. Photo to dim to scan. - 1895
Roy Tarkington Cafe
Photo Book 2 -
Roy Tarkington Cafe, West 1st Street. A favorite resturant in the 1930's through 1950's. Picture made probably 1949 or 1950. - 1949
Roy Tarkington Jr. Barber Shop
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Roy Tarkington Jr. Barber shop on West Elm. 1950's. These photos furnished by Teri Hughes. All are her relatives. - 1950s
Annual Curley Wolves Football Banquet
Photo Book 2 -
Prescott Booster Club Annual Curly Wolves Football Banquet, Lawson Hotel. 7:00 pm, February 4, 1948. - 1948
Wortham Gym at Oak Grove School
Photo Book 2 -
Wortham Gym at Oak Grove School. Built 1935. - 1935
Prescott's Last bank robbery
Photo Book 2 -
Prescott's last armed bank robery. Lone gunman caught on camera 1975. - 1975
Modern Saw Mill of the time
Photo Book 2 -
State of the art Saw Mill of the late 1800's. Operated by the Richardson and Allen Famalies near Mt. Moriah. This photo courtesy of J. L. Coe, These people are his relatives. - 1800s
J. M. Pittman
Photo Book 2 -
J. M. Pittman - none
Dan Pittman
Photo Book 2 -
Dan Pittman - none
Charles Pittman
Photo Book 2 -
Charles Pittman - none
John M. Pittman
Photo Book 2 -
John M. Pittman - none
Dan Pittman Jr.
Photo Book 2 -
Dan Pittman Jr. These five Pittman photos represent three generations of management of Prescott Hardware Co. One of the towns oldest businesses. - none
Tom Dixon's Blacksmith Shop
Photo Book 2 -
Tom Dixon's Blacksmith Shop located on Main St. in early 1900's. Inset photo is Tom Dixon as a young man. - 1900s
Doyle Westmoreland a mail rider & stretch of county road
Photo Book 2 -
Note description on photos. - none
Meeting in empty store building
Photo Book 2 -
This is a meeting of some sort in a empty store building 1900. Can you identify? - 1900
Laneburg School, 1925.
Photo Book 2 -
Laneburg School, 1925.
Front Row - Sam Adams, Dera Johnson, Arte Jones, Ruth Gann,Frank Carnes, Adams, Woodrow McGough,Mary Jane Gann, Edgar Daniel, Natalie Martin and Milford Daniel.
Second Row - Harlee Steed, Julie Jones, Delma Bolls, Jewel Fore, W. C. Woosley, Ina (sister) Vaden, Lloyd Sampson, Alta Purtle, William (son) Vaden, Nina Nelms and Carl Mitchell-teacher.
Third Row - Arl Daniel, Minnie Carnes, Alice Purtle, Arlis Adams, Hazel Daniel, J. T. Adams, Esther Ruth Sampson,Elon Almand, Vernie Davis, Muriel Mann and Bonnie Nelms. - 1925
Prescott Base Ball Team & Nevada News Press
Photo Book 2 -
Top - Prescott Base Ball Team 1906. Bottom - Printing press of the Nevada News installed January 23, 1907. - 1906
Prescott High School
Photo Book 2 -
Prescott High School as remodeled in 1942. - 1942
Prescott Band
Photo Book 2 -
Prescott Band, 1928, sponsored by Rotary Club. - 1928
Opera House and street scene
Photo Book 2 -
Opera House and street scene, around 1900. Prescott, the county seat of Nevada County, is a growing town of 3000, situated on The Iron Mountain Rail Road. It has an excellent system of water works and electric lights, owned by the city. It has a local - 1900
Grandparents of Red and Jimmy Graham
Photo Book 2 -
These people are the Grandparents of Howard "Red" Graham and Jimmy Graham. - none
Photo Book 2 -
? - 1800s
Photo Book 2 -
These two pictures are of relatives of the Grahams. They lived West of Prescott during the late 1800's and early 1900's. Pictures furnished by Red Graham. - 1900s
R. L. Blakely's Store
Photo Book 2 -
We have learned from Mrs. Dickenson that this a store owned by, and known as R. L. Blakely's Store. Located on West First St. He is second from right. Picture taken around the turn of the century. Stote burned shortly after this picture and Mr. Blakely went into the abstract and real estate business. - 1900
Club Meeting
Photo Book 2 -
This is a meeting of one of the Clubs of the day in the early 1900's. The building is the Gee Building, Corner of West Main & 3rd. Youngster sitting on his father's lap is Mr. Sam Dickenson who still lives in Prescott. - 1900s
Lady and Gramophone
Photo Book 2 -
This lady is proud of her 1900 model Gramophone. Note the long "Dog trot" house and the ginger bread trim on the fence in right foreground. - 1900
Bodcaw High School
Photo Book 2 -
Bodcaw High School about 1915 or 1916. Man in left rear is J. W. Teeter Sr. School Superintendent. Fifth from the left in front is L. L. Mitchell who was an attorney and State Senator in the 1930's and 1940's. - 1915
Young people near Sutton
Photo Book 2 -
These young people lived near Sutton around 1900. - 1900
P&NW Logging and Blevins Depot
Photo Book 2 -
P&NW logging and Blevins Depot around 1900. Top photo - Steam log loader at work on P&NW Rail Road. Bottom Photo - Depot at Blevins. One of the principal towns on the P&NW Rail Road is Blevins, a thriving little town 14 miles west of Prescott. There are 8 or 10 mercantile est. here, and a large volume of business is transacted. While cotton and corn are the principal products of the farmers around Blevins, a great deal of attention is given to growing fruits and vegetables, which has proven quite profitable. The farmers are an up-to-date class, and never miss an opportunity to improve their knowledge. - 1900
8th grade jr. high students around 1936.
Photo Book 2 -
Eighth Grade, Junior High School 1936 (?) Names on next photo. See vol 49 no 12a for names. - 1936
Names of 8th grade jr. high students. Around 1936.
Photo Book 2 -
Names of above: First Row - (seated left to right): Tilman Barker, Gurth Prince, Sarah Ann Barham, Jean Drescher, J. Leland Lavander, Georgianna Rix, Hazel Helen Murrah, Jim Wortham, Wallace Ledbetter, Wilma Daniels, Gene Harrison, Seth Wylie and Joe Baker. See if you can read the others. See vol 49 no11 for photos. - 1936
Prescott Senior Class
Photo Book 2 -
Senior Class, PHS, 1933/1934. - 1933
Photo Book 2 -
Two scenes, Blevins, around 1900. Top Picture is street scene in Blevins. Bottom picture school house and hall in Blevins. The farmers are well organized and their association each year offers valuable premiums to their members for best results for certain experiments. - 1900
Guthrie's Drug Store
Photo Book 2 -
Guthrie Drug Store, probably early 1900's. - 1900s
DeLamar Chevrolet
Photo Book 2 -
Delamar Chevrolet, owner and personnell. About 1936. - 1936
Ozan Lumber Co.
Photo Book 2 -
Post Card picture of Ozan Lumber Co. 1930's. - 1930s
West Main St. facing East
Photo Book 2 -
These are scenes from West Main St, facing East, around 1900. Read the caption in upper left. Upper left on the following page is the photo printed in the Picayune several years ago, from which all of the others were copied. Caption under picture reads: PRESCOTT, ARKANSAS AROUND 1900 - This photo shows West Main Street from the West showing old depot across the street. The photo was probably taken from the position between Lindsey Grocery and the building formerly used as M System Grocery. The depot at the far end of the street was removed in 1911. T. S. Bryan, jeweler and J. B. Shers justice of the peace are shown. - 1898-10
West Main St. facing East
Photo Book 2 -
These are scenes from West Main St, facing East, around 1900. Read the caption in upper left. Upper left on the following page is the photo printed in the Picayune several years ago, from which all of the others were copied. Caption under picture reads: PRESCOTT, ARKANSAS AROUND 1900 - This photo shows West Main Street from the West showing old depot across the street. The photo was probably taken from the position between Lindsey Grocery and the building formerly used as M System Grocery. The depot at the far end of the street was removed in 1911. T. S. Bryan, jeweler and J. B. Shers justice of the peace are shown. - 1900
West Main St. facing East
Photo Book 2 -
These are scenes from West Main St, facing East, around 1900. Read the caption in upper left. Upper left on the following page is the photo printed in the Picayune several years ago, from which all of the others were copied. Caption under picture reads: PRESCOTT, ARKANSAS AROUND 1900 - This photo shows West Main Street from the West showing old depot across the street. The photo was probably taken from the position between Lindsey Grocery and the building formerly used as M System Grocery. The depot at the far end of the street was removed in 1911. T. S. Bryan, jeweler and J. B. Shers justice of the peace are shown. - 1900
West Main St. facing East
Photo Book 2 -
These are scenes from West Main St, facing East, around 1900. Read the caption in upper left. Upper left on the following page is the photo printed in the Picayune several years ago, from which all of the others were copied. Caption under picture reads: PRESCOTT, ARKANSAS AROUND 1900 - This photo shows West Main Street from the West showing old depot across the street. The photo was probably taken from the position between Lindsey Grocery and the building formerly used as M System Grocery. The depot at the far end of the street was removed in 1911. T. S. Bryan, jeweler and J. B. Shers justice of the peace are shown. - 1900
West Main St. facing East
Photo Book 2 -
These are scenes from West Main St, facing East, around 1900. Read the caption in upper left. Upper left on the following page is the photo printed in the Picayune several years ago, from which all of the others were copied. Caption under picture reads: PRESCOTT, ARKANSAS AROUND 1900 - This photo shows West Main Street from the West showing old depot across the street. The photo was probably taken from the position between Lindsey Grocery and the building formerly used as M System Grocery. The depot at the far end of the street was removed in 1911. T. S. Bryan, jeweler and J. B. Shers justice of the peace are shown. - 1900
H. B. McKenzie Home
Photo Book 2 -
H. B. McKenzie home on Cale road, where Fair Oaks is now located. Home destroyed by fire in early 1900's. - 1900s
Fair Queen in parade
Photo Book 2 -
Fair Queen, unidentified, during 1950's. Location is corner of East Elm & 1st St. Webb's Carpet is now in the Ben Franklin location. - 1951
Star Barber Shop
Photo Book 2 -
Star Barber Shop located on West main St. Milton Blankenship is on the left. Other man is unidentified. Early 1900's. - 1900s
Roy's Cafe
Photo Book 2 -
Line of Customers in Roy's Cafe, favorite eating place during 1940's and 1950's. On West 1st St in Prescott. Photo furnished by Teri Hughes. - 1940s
Roy B. Tarkington
Photo Book 2 -
Roy B. Tarkington, owner of Roy's. Photo furnished by Teri Hughes. - 1940s
Calicot's Grocery & Market
Photo Book 2 -
Callicot's Grocery & Market. In Scott Building which Sears later occupied. Mr. Callicot operated grocery stores at various locations from 1920's until 1950's. Photo furnished by Teri Hughes. - 1920s
Roy's Cafe
Photo Book 2 -
Another scene in Roy's Cafe. Pictures on this page furnished by Teri Hughes. All are her "kin folk". - 1940s
Harmony Church, Sutton
Photo Book 2 -
Harmony Church, Sutton. This building burned in 1980. Photo from Miss Norvelle Wren. - 1950s
Bodcaw High School Basketball Team
Photo Book 2 -
Basketball team at Bodcaw High School in 1920 or earlier. Tall man in middle is Harold Parker. Coach is J. W. Teeter Sr. - 1920
Cantley residence on Cale rd.
Photo Book 2 -
Cantley residence on Cale Road. Now occupied by Mr. & Mrs. Lige Glass. - none
Rear view of Cantley home
Photo Book 2 -
Rear view of Cantley home. - none
Large capacity whiskey still
Photo Book 2 -
Pictures on this page are of one of the largest capacity illegal whiskey stills captured in recent years. Sheriff Horace Hale and Chief Deputy J. Hugh Dillard are shown with the still. Location was in a barn in south Nevada County. - 1940s
Large capacity illegal still
Photo Book 2 -
Pictures on this page are of one of the largest capacity illegal whiskey stills captured in recent years. Sheriff Horace Hale and Chief Deputy J. Hugh Dillard are shown with the still. Location was in a barn in south Nevada County. This picture shows J. Hugh Dillard. - 1940s
Illegal whiskey still
Photo Book 2 -
Pictures on this page are of one of the largest capacity illegal whiskey stills captured in recent years. Sheriff Horace Hale and Chief Deputy J. Hugh Dillard are shown with the still. Location was in a barn in south Nevada County. This picture shows Horace Hale, Sheriff. - 1940s
Large whiskey still
Photo Book 2 -
Pictures on this page are of one of the largest capacity illegal whiskey stills captured in recent years. Sheriff Horace Hale and Chief Deputy J. Hugh Dillard are shown with the still. Location was in a barn in south Nevada County. - 1940s
Prescott Depot
Photo Book 2 -
Picture Post Card of this depot made about 1920. Note the brick platform, all the trees in the background. West First St. was not the throughfare it now is. Note the white spot in the right center, this is a wagon load of cotton on way to Cotton Gin at north end of town. - 1920
Dr. J. S. Chastain
Photo Book 2 -
Dr. J. S. Chastain, practicing physician here from early 1900's until 1940's. His Hospital, on West Main also appears in this album. - 1920s
Loaded log trucks
Photo Book 2 -
Logs hauled in from North of city. - 1920s
Ladies Tennis, Bluff City
Photo Book 2 -
Ladies at Bluff City in a Tennis match. - none
Aerial view of Prescott
Photo Book 2 -
Air view of Prescott, looking North. Made during 1950's. - 1950s
Bluff City Sawmill
Photo Book 2 -
Sawmill at Bluff City, 1900's. - 1900s
Prescott Primary School
Photo Book 2 -
Primary School, Prescott, 1939 - 1950. Located on West Elm St. where Daniels Trailer Park is now located. - 1940s
Nevada County Court House
Photo Book 2 -
Another view of the 1915 Nevada County Court House. - 1915
Rail cars loaded with peaches being iced
Photo Book 2 -
Peach cars being iced at ice plant west of town. 1928. - 1928
Prescott School Board
Photo Book 2 -
Prescott School Board, 1950's. Caption Reads:
Prescott School Board - Broadway Hotel - Approx. 1950
Seated - Wells Hamby, Jewell White, Jesse Crow, Robert Hambright and Guss McCaskill
Standing, Left to Right - Dr. Jack Harrell, Bob Reynolds, J. T. Worthington, Duncan McRae, Bill Gordon, (barely visible over Trosie Formby's shoulder, Ralph "Nubbin" Gordon, Horace McKenzie, B. A. Delamar and Jim Wingfield. - 1950s
Prescott Gymnasium
Photo Book 2 -
Prescott Gymnasium corner of West Elm & 3rd St. One of the finest basketball courts in the state from 1936 - 1950's. - 1940s
prescott Jr. High School
Photo Book 2 -
Another view of Prescott Jr. High School. Located in City Park. 1927 - 1950's. - 1930s
D. A. R. County fair parade float
Photo Book 2 -
D.A.R. Float, County Fair Parade, 1940's. - 1940s
Ozan-Graysonia Lumber Co.
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Ozan-Graysonia Lumber Co. 1920's. - 1920s
Ozan-Graysonia Lumber Co.
Photo Book 2 -
Ozan-Graysonia Lumber Co. 1920's. - 1920s
PHS football team
Photo Book 2 -
PHS football team, 1945. - 1945
Dill's Mill
Photo Book 2 -
Dill's Mill on the Reader Railroad. - 1970s
Senior Prom
Photo Book 2 -
Senior Prom during 1950's. - 1950s
Prescott Senior Prom
Photo Book 2 -
Senior Prom during 1950's. This was a BIG event which brought national attention to Prescott. - 1950s
Pierce Brothers at Falcon school
Photo Book 2 -
Falcon school in background. Picture made June 12, 1930. The men in front are the Pierce Bros., Willie, Charley, Jesse and Buddy. This Falcon school MAY have been part of the Falcon Academy, a very well known school for girls during the late 1800's. We can not positively confirm this. - 1930
District Fire Meeting at Prescott
Photo Book 2 -
District Fire Meeting at Prescott Fire Station in late 1940's. - 1940s
Photo Book 2 -
? - 1900s
Photo Book 2 -
? - 1900s
Photo Book 2 -
These are people and events in the Sutton, Siloam and Antioch area during the early 1900's. Caption under 45 - No 24-A : This is a picture of The Confederate Soldiers Reunion held Serepta Springs each year. Photo made about 1920. Among identified T. P. Callicott, J. K. Waddell, Demp Hagard, Jake Cross, Tip Franks, Bro. ???? Methodist Minister and Thomas Alsobrook. These photos furnished by Mrs. Alton Murrah. - 1900s
New Liberty Basketball team
Photo Book 2 -
New Liberty Basketball team 1926 - 1927. Caption: Photo shows The New Liberty Basketball team of 1926 - 27. They are left to right,Earl Allen, Reeder Langston, Jessie Langston, Howard Langston, Paul Ham and Floyd Dougan. - 1926
Sutton Basketball Team
Photo Book 2 -
Sutton Basketball team 1909 - 1910. Pictured are: From left - Algia Dillard, Brad Bright, G. L. Andres Sr., Earnest Bennett, Lilburn Galloway, Cleveland Andres and Sam Hamilton. More information in next two photos. - 1909
Hope Star article about Sutton Basketball
Photo Book 2 -
News paper article about 45 - No 18 - 1909
Hope Star Article about Sutton Basketball
Photo Book 2 -
News paper article Continued about 45 - No 18 - 1909
Siloam Basketball Team
Photo Book 2 -
Siloam Basketball team of 1929. Photo from Mrs. Alton Murrah. PHoto shows left to right - Alton Murrah, Doyle Martin, Goyne Marler, Kermet Marler, Darrell Caldwell and coach / teacher Halugon Holland. Teams of this era played outdoors on dirt courts. - 1929
Interior of First State Bank
Photo Book 2 -
Interior of The First State Bank West Main & 1st St. ( where Gene Hale's office is now located ). The lady on the right is Hazel Hamilton Dill. We think the man is Mr. E. M. Sharp. - none
Sewing Class at Prescott High School
Photo Book 2 -
Sewing class Prescott High School 1911 - 1912. Names Left to right : Back Row - Ruth Gordon, Marion Brooks, Louise Scott, May Duke, Beulah Hesterly, Hazel Hamilton, Mildred Pittman. Front Row - Effie Sharp, Vera Buchanan, Julia Burke, Olive Stitt and Ruth Wylie, Teacher: Mrs. Marcella Author. - 1911
World War I bride and groom
Photo Book 2 -
World War I bride and groom. - none
Archaelogical site
Photo Book 2 -
The following photos, including vol-34 numbers 19, 18, 16, 16a, 13 and 14 were made at the archaelogical site on the Ferguson Farm near Emmet. This was an ancient indian village and many significant artifacts were recovered. See the following related photos. - 1970s
Archaelogical Site
Photo Book 2 -
See vol-34 no-20 for details. - 1970s
Archaelogical Dig
Photo Book 2 -
See vol-34 no-20 for details. - 1970s
Archaelogical site
Photo Book 2 -
All the above photos were made at the archaelogical site on the Ferguson Farm near Emmet in early 1970's. This was an ancient Indian village and many significant artifacts were recovered. University of Arkansas in charge of site. Volunteers from many places did the work. - 1970s
Early auto license, 1917.
Photo Book 2 -
Motor vehicle registration dated 1917. Same photo can be seen in book one, page 24. Listed as vol 33 no 10. - 1917
Archaelogical dig
Photo Book 2 -
See vol-34 no-20 or 16 for details. - 1970s
Archaelogical site
Photo Book 2 -
See vol-34 no-20 or 16 for details. - 1970s
Archaelogical dig
Photo Book 2 -
Additional pictures from the Ferguson dig described on opposite page. See vol-34 no-20 or 16 for details. - 1970s
Lettet head from Greeson Opera House
Photo Book 2 -
Letter head from the Greeson Opera House located corner of West Main and First St. - none
Interior of original Bank of Prescott
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Interior of original Bank of Prescott. Names on picture are Wren Scott, W. R. Hambright, F. E. Murrah, unknown, Sam T. White Jr. and Otho Stephenson. - none
Prescott First Grade
Photo Book 2 -
First Grade, Prescott, 1934. - 1934
View of 1915 Court House
Photo Book 2 -
Air view of 1915 Court House. Note all the trees, now gone. Note the burned out building on the corner opposite the court yard. In 1943 Hesterly Drugs and a store next door burned. There was loss of life in the store next door to the Drug Store. - 1915
1910 View from upper floor of high school
Photo Book 2 -
View from the upper floor of the 1910 High School. Home in the immediate left rear is the Phillips Home. Next one in view is the Stewart Home. Beyond the trees is the Stanley Barger home. To the right of school, or 8th Street is the Wells Hamby Farm. - 1910
Lumpkin's Cotton Gin
Photo Book 2 -
Lumpkin's Cotton Gin. Opened in 1911. Located on the Wildcat Road, between Hwy. 67 and the rail road. - 1911
Presbyterian Church
Photo Book 2 -
Presbyterian Church built early 1900's. Replaced by present Building at same location in 1969 (?). - 1900s
Bendum & Trees gas pipeline compressor station
Photo Book 2 -
Bendum & Trees gas pipeline Compressor station built at Emmet in early 1920's. Site later occupied by Ark-La Village. Photo furnished by Albert Hickey. - 1920s
Vegetable packing shed
Photo Book 2 -
Packing shed, vegetables, at Emmet during 1920's. Located at intersection of Hwy. 67 & 299. Photo furnished by Albert Hickey. - 1920s
Emmet School
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Emmet School built in the early 1900's and in use until approximately 1930. These three pictures furnished by Mrs. Albert Hickey of Emmet. - 1900s
Chamber of Commerce Board
Photo Book 2 -
Chamber of Commerce Board, 1948. Front Row L to R - J. A. Craig, Manager, Jimmie Nicholas, J. W. Teeter, Sr., John Marshall Pittman, Mark Justiss, R. T. Murry and Dan Pittman, Jr. Second Row Lto R - R. F. Yarborough, Horace McKenzie, Vernon Fore, Sid Purtle and Guss McCaskill. - 1948
Gem Theatre
Photo Book 2 -
Gem Theatre, West 1st St. Operated 1900 until 1950. Opened by R. B. Hardy until 1939. Sold to Brown Theatres. - 1940s
Prescott Hardware drawing for cash
Photo Book 2 -
? - 1929
Prescott Hardware drawing for cash
Photo Book 2 -
Both of these pictures were made in 1929. The Prescott Hardware held an annual drawing at which $500.00 was given to the winner. Note the crowd inside the building and the spill-over into the street to the Post Office. This event was on Wednesday, October 27th just before the market crash on "Black Friday", October 29th 1929. The beginning of the "GREAT DEPRESSION". - 1929
Catholic Church
Photo Book 2 -
Catholic Church, East Main St. 1885 - 1940. East Main and Second. - 1900s
Charles Pye's Garage
Photo Book 2 -
Charles Pye's Garage, West 2nd St. between C & C Feed and Milam Electric. Men are left to right, Clyde Sharp, Charles Dundee, Charles Pye and Harold Parker. - none
Prescott High School
Photo Book 2 -
Prescott High School as re-modeled in 1942 - 1943. The "Little Gym" at extreme left is still in use. - 1943
Entrance to Cummins Field
Photo Book 2 -
Entrance to Cummins Field, home of th Curley wolves from 1911 - 1966. This entrance was slightly West of the present Superintendents office. - 1940s
Amphitheatre in city park
Photo Book 2 -
Amphitheatre located on East corner of City Park. Built in 1939 and used until 1950. - 1940s
Family scene
Photo Book 2 -
Typical family scene of the early 1900's. - 1900s
The Ward family
Photo Book 2 -
Men of the same family as above. These two pictures are the Ward Family, who lived near Pleasant Hill. (William Taylor's Great Grandfather, Grandfather, and uncles and aunts). - none
Rephan's Dept. Store
Photo Book 2 -
Rephan's Dept. Store, An anchor business in Prescott from early 1900's until 1980. Pictured in front are Allen Gee and Miss Grimes. - 1940s
New Union School
Photo Book 2 -
New Union School, Located East of Prescott until the 1920's.
1st Row, Left to Right; ____Robinson, Claude Thomas, Scott Hannah,Clois Cummings, Gladys Hollingsworth, Grace Dowing, Ruth Criner, Maggie Thomas and Robert Thomas.
2nd Row, Left to Right; ____ Robinson, Jessie Loomis, Stella Farmin, fay Loomis, Brooks cummings, ____ Thomas, Wylie Barr, Bernice Moseley, ____ Robinson, John G. Hannah and Stanley Dowing.
3rd row, Left to Right; Agnes Meadows (teacher), Curtis Hollingsworth, ____ Robinson, Sarah Dowing, Lucy Parker, Mae Barr, Minnie Gibson, Violet Austin, Mildred Loomis and Flora Jumper.
4th Row, left to right; Nellie Parker, Ann Gibson, Arnold Farmin, Ernest Chamblee, Porter Criner, Claude Barr, Beulah Parker, Mae foster and Grace Chamlee. - 1918
Little Bodcaw School
Photo Book 2 -
Little Bodcaw School. - 1916
Names of Little Bodcaw Students
Photo Book 2 -
Roster of above picture. - 1916
U. S. Post Office
Photo Book 2 -
Post Office Prescott, 1910. Located next door to East Side Cleaners. Men are un-identified. - 1910
Livery Stable
Photo Book 2 -
Livery Stable, early 1900's. Located on West 2nd between Main & Elm Sts. - 1900s
Bodcaw High School
Photo Book 2 -
Bodcaw High School, 1916. See vol 30 no 14 for names. - 1916
Names of Bodcaw Students
Photo Book 2 -
Roster for above picture. See vol 30 no 12 for picture. - 1916
Hesterly Drug Store
Photo Book 2 -
Hesterly Drug Store, East Elm & 2nd St. 1920. Dr. Berry Hesterly is on the right by the Cigar Case. We are not sure who the others are. Can you inentify? - 1920
Blevins Tornado
Photo Book 2 -
The following four photos show some of the damages from a tornado which hit the Blevins area in April 1921. Photos furnished by Darrell Marsh. Photos taken by Mrs. Bill (Kitty) Denman, Mr. Marsh's aunt. - 1921
Blevins Tornado
Photo Book 2 -
Blevins tornado see vol 8 no11 for more info. - 1921
Blevins Tornado
Photo Book 2 -
Blenins tornado. See vol 8 no11 for more info. - 1921
Blevins Tornado
Photo Book 2 -
Pictures of the Blevins Tornado, April, 1921. Pictures made by Mrs. Bill (Kitty) Denman. Mrs. Denmans nephew, made these pictures available. - 1921
Interior of First Methodist Church
Photo Book 2 -
Interior of First Methodist Church, 1924. This Building torn down in 1929 and present Church erected on same location. Note church is decorated for a wedding. - 1924
The Times - Picayune of April 12, 1903
Photo Book 2 -
Front page of the Times - Picayune, April 12, 1903 Get the reading glass and read the legible parts of this photo. - 1903
One of the first automobiles in Prescott
Photo Book 2 -
Mr. J. M. Stripling in one of the first automobiles in Prescott. Note the buggy top, solid tires and chain drive, 1918. - 1918
Nevada County Queens
Photo Book 2 -
Nevada County Queens contest, 1932. Event held at the Park Hotel, Later the Allen and Loda Hotel. Located where pizza Hut now stands. Names below picture. - 1932
City officials start new sewer line
Photo Book 2 -
City officials at start of new sewer lines, 1950. Left to right, Saxon Reagan, Rex Carpenter, Mayor Curtis Ward, Foy Box, Al Williams, Jewell White, Floyd Crain, J. A. Cole, Harris Langley, Oren Ellsworth and Burrell Whitmarsh. One name missing. - 1950
Deer Hunters
Photo Book 2 -
Deer hunters, early 1900's. They are, l to r, Jim Bryson, George McLelland, Joe F. Haynie Sr., Dr. Wm. "Bill" Arnold Will Hannah and Leonard Hamby. - 1900s
Chamber of Commerce banquet
Photo Book 2 -
View of Chamber of Commerce banquet, 1950. (?) - 1950
Chamber of Commerce Banquet
Photo Book 2 -
Another view of same banquet. View vol 29 no 24. - 1950
The McKinnon Family who lived near Pleasant Hill
Photo Book 2 -
Family picture of the McKinnons who lived near Pleasant Hill in the early years of this century (1900s). Top Row, l to r; - Dudley McKinnon, & son John, Mary Vaughn McKinnon, Vern Buchannan, Annie Buchannan, Asberry McKinnon and Ern Pittman.
Middle Row (behind chairs) - Neil McKinnon, Emma McKinnon Crane, Minnie McKinnon Buchannan, Ern Buchannan & Daughters.
Seated - "Grandpa" Hector McKinnon & "Grandma" ____ ____ Sutton McKinnon.
Children, L to R - Bessie Buchannan Porter, Mildred Buchannan, Maggie McKinnon Stone, ____ , ____ , Infant Audie Pittman Martin, ____ and Coy McKinnon.
- 1910s
McKinnon Family 20 years later
Photo Book 2 -
Same people as in above picture 20 years later. Picture made in early 1930's. Note the "Dog Trot" house, board and bat construction and the log blocks under house. - 1930
Foundation for New Prescott Post Office
Photo Book 2 -
Foundation for Prescott Post Office under construction in 1926 - 1927. - 1926
U. S. Post Office under construction
Photo Book 2 -
Post Office construction showing Hesterly Drugs and East Elm St in background, 1927. - 1927
Construction of post office
Photo Book 2 -
Construction of post office. - 1927
Construction of post office
Photo Book 2 -
Construction of Prescott Post Office. - 1927
Construction of post office
Photo Book 2 -
Construction of Prescott Post Office. - 1927
Construction of post office
Photo Book 2 -
All four of the above pictures are of the Post Office under construction in 1927. - 1927
Completed U. S. Post Office
Photo Book 2 -
Post Office 1927. - 1927
Post office construction
Photo Book 2 -
Post Office construction, looking West. Note the big trees on the Court House Yard and business buildings in background. - 1927
Post office construction
Photo Book 2 -
Post Office construction 1927. - 1927
Construction of post office
Photo Book 2 -
Post Office construction, 1927. White front office on left is that of Gov. T. C. McRae. In left center among trees is the Catholic Church. The two story house in right center is the Johnson Home. Note white frame building on the right which is Nevada County Abstract & Realty operated by R. L. Blakely Sr. & Jr. for many years. - 1927
Photo Book 2 -
Bank of Prescott, corner of East 2nd and Elm Sts., 1910. - 1910
Early photo of depot
Photo Book 2 -
Early photo of depot. - 1920s
H. E. Bemis Home
Photo Book 2 -
H. E. Bemis home, burned 1935 This photo will also be found as vol-11 No-5. - 1920s