Caption below photo says "Grade School, Prescott, Ark.". However on back side is penciled in "Junior High School 1929 - 1945". Location is the present community park.
- none
Joe Boswell Dept Store. Corner of East Elm and 1st St. Later Ledbetter's Dept. Store and now is home to The Nevada County Picayune Newspaper as of the end of 2000.
- 1940s
Same photo shown in photo album number 2 with dates and idenity. R. L. Blakely's Store around the turn of the century. Later he went into the abstract and realty business.
- 1900s
Picture made in 1930. Falcon School is in background. The Pierce Brothers are the four gentlemen in the foreground. A. E.'Buddy' Pierce, Jessie Pierce, Charley Pierce and Willie Pierce.
- 1930s
Logs hauled from west of town about 1930. These were the first heavy duty trucks in common use. They were ten gear Macks and were used by Junction City Lumber Co. Same as book #2 vol38 no24a.
- none
Bodcaw Academy after the 1915 tornado. Road had also been changed to other side and center section of building had been added. Building was torn down shortly after this picture.
- 1915
These photos from W. A. Yancey. "Boss" Burnet, a citizen of Nevada County who traveled with various circuses and carnivals for many years. We have heard that he was seven feet tall and weighed over 600 pounds.
- none
Group of "Old Timers" in Prescott durung 1940's. Facing camera, Left to Right. Sam Logan, H. V. Scott, W. V. Tompkins, Sam T. White. Back to camera right to left. John A. Davis and W. T. Hart. Man on left is unknown.
- 1940s
Bodcaw Academy, probably before 1900. This could be a ball team as there is what looks to be a ball in lower center with the #3 or #9 on it. Photo furnished by Mrs. Bonnie Tomlin Lauche.
- 1900
Sheriff Sam E. Munn, Nevada County 1915 - 1918. Sheriff seems to be looking North in about the 200 block of North Main St. Pictures furnished by his son, Hayes Munn.
- 1915
Citizens of Bluff Springs near Theo Post Office about 1900. G. R. Blake, J. T. Knight, E. A. Bevers, J. R. McAteer, T. L. Gulley and J. N. Kirk.
- 1900
Photo Book 3 -
Wood burning "Prarie" engine built for a Louisiana Timber Co. in 1907. Later purchased and shown here as No 7 on The Reader RR also known as The Possum Trot Line. Picture taken about 1950.
- none
Photo Book 3 -
Baldwin engine built in 1907, by Baldwin Co. for W. T. Carter Lumber Co. of East Texas. Later years it found it's way to The Reader RR as engine No 2 on The Possum Trot Line. Photo taken around 1950.
- none
Junction City Lumber Co. Manufacturers and Wholesalers of Yellow Pine Lumber. Operated on the Northeast side of Prescott by John A. Davis during the early 1900's.
- 1900s
Renovated building of Bakers Easy Pay Store on corner of East 1st and Vine Sts. Since 1920 building has housed Greeson Chevrolet Co., Robinson's Dept. Store, Boswell's Bargain Store and Porters Appliance Co. Can you name others?
- 1960s
Renovated Bank of Prescott building at East Elm and 2nd Sts. Built in 1904 as Bank of Prescott and used as bank until 1960. Currently is a long time home to Teague Eye Clinic.
- 1960s
Ark-La Village. A recreation of a working old western town. Manufacturing buggys, stagecoaches, saddles and gas grills. From the 1950s through most of the 1970s. Located in Emmet, AR on U. S. Hwy. 67. - 1950s
All are scenes from Ark-La Village at Emmet, 1950's. An early American town, Buggy Factory and Gas Grill Plant. Complete with Saloon, Jail, General Store and other attractions. A major tourist spot. See, in this book, #3 vol134 no6 and no7 for more info and scenes.
- 1950s
Early 1960's. Welcome Banquet for Robbins Mfg. Co. Made vinyl flooring in the present Firestone Plant. Annice and Everett Ward are 2nd and 3rd from left. Who are the others?
- 1960s
Cummings Barber Shop, East Elm St. Early 1900's. Barbers are ??? Smith, Coy DeWoody and W. P. "Buddy" Cummings. Man in middle chair is Jim Bush.
- 1920s
Same barber shop in the early 1930's. At rear is Miss Hazel Matlock, Beauty Parlor operator, Babe Garland, shine man, front barber is Coy Dewoody with Allen Gee in his chair. Buddy Cummings and Ralph Fore are in the back two barbers.
- 1930s
New business on East Elm St. in locations formerly occupied by Cornish Funeral Home, The Nevada News and others. See vol 991 no 02, 03, 04 and 06 for more information. - 1978
Union Baptist Church after arson destroyed it in the fall of 1980. See vol 991 no08 and 010 for other scenes of this church. Church has been rebuilt on AR Hwy. #53 just North of Bodcaw. - 1980
Union Church Fire, October 1980. One of several churches destroyed by arson during the fall of 1980. Church has been rebuilt. Located on Ark. Hwy. No 53 North of Bodcaw.
- 1980
Harmony Church fire scene. Burned by arson, October,1980. Church has since been rebuilt. Located on Highway No 76 one mile East of Highway No 53, South of Laneburg. Also see vol 991 no 011 and 012.
- 1980
Replacement of one of the earliest metal buildings built in Prescott. Original building was the warehouse of Esso Oil Co. Replacement building is paint shop for Faulkner Body Shop. See vol 991 no 014 also.
- 1990
Prescott Concert Band. Date is probably 1920. Bass Drummer is John Lewis. 4th from right with clarinet is Robert Blakely. Can you identify others ?
- 1920s
This picture was made at the Old Court House about 1936 to 1938. From right to left. Back Row - Paul Haynie, Elwood Robinson, unknown, Clement Broomfield, Watson Wilson, unknown, Martin Wells, James DeWoody and the others are all unknown. Middle Row - Third from right is Elizabeth Patterson and all others are unknown. Front Row - right to left, unknown, Marie Ely, unknown, Red Graham, Gus Woodul. Others are unidentified.
- 1930s
Photos took at graduation of Class of 1938. See vol 86 no 21 22 and 23 also. All are identified in large photo in North Room of museum. Location in the gymnasium which stood on the corner of West Elm and Second St. - 1938
Seniors of the class of 1938. See vol 86 no 20, 22 and 23. Location is the gymnasium which stood at the corner of West Elm and 2nd St. All are identified on a large picture in the North Room of the museum. - 1938
Grads of 1938. All are identified in large photo in North Room of museum. Location was the gym which was located at the corner of West Elm and 2nd St. See vol 86 no 20, 21 and 23 for other views. - 1938
Snap shots made at Graduation of the Class of 1938. Location is the Gymnasium at the corner of West Elm and 2nd St. These people are all identified on the large picture of the class on the rack in the North Room of Depot. Also see vol 86 no 20, 21 and 22.
- 1938
Names of Senior class of 1933. Front Row L to R - Autsel Ussery, Ollie Mae Thornton, Thomas Lavender, Dudley Gordon, Ruth Huskey, Margaret Grimes, Connie Frizzell, Geneva Erwin, Sidney Earl Forrester, Jamie Stuart, George Hershel Cox, Helen Munn and Ethel Harris. Second Row - Dudley Rouse, unknown, unknown, Wilma Woosley, Helen Ruth Evans, Sammie Sewell, Mary Isabelle Hamb and Horace Russell. Third Row - Coach Carl Dalrymple, Viola Coates, Everett Jones, Rae Hawley, Daisey Pearle Newth, Isolene Bolls, Edna Smeltzer, William Roy Britt, Samuel Jones, Bobbie Orr, Cleo Grimes and Frances Newth. See vol 87 no 19, 20, 21 and 22 for more information.
- 1933
1927 post card from Marine Barracks, Parris Island, South Carolina. This is one of several photos found in debris of houses being torn down in South Nevada County. We have no idea who these pictures belonged to.
- 1927
Another view of the gym at West Elm and 2nd St. Built in 1935-36 by WPA. Used as an Auditorium, Gym, and County Library until torn down in the 1950's.
- 1940s
Eighth Grade Graduation of Prescott Junior High School, Spring of 1934. Far left center is Mrs. Roy Stainton, class sponsor. Far right is Mrs. Tula Barlow Elliot, Principal. Man at center rear is J. I. McClerkin, Superintendent of Schools. We have I.D. on all students.
- 1934
Nichol's Store on East First St. opposite the Court House. Look carefully in the store's right window and a reflection of the 1904 Court House can be seen. The man on the left is Mr. Barlow. The other two are the Nichol's Bros.
- 1900s
One of the turn of the century businesses on West Main St. where NAPA is now located. The only sign painter in town at the time was a German Immigrant named Schmidts - note his spelling of "Horse Shoeing".
- 1900s
Prescott High School Class of 1941 on Class Day outing at Hot Springs. There are members of what normally would have been the Junior and Senior Classes of that year. The World War Two "hurry - up" graduation program probably caused this mixture. Also see vol 106 no 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24.
- 1941
Prescott High School Class of 1941 on Class Day outing at Hot Springs. There are members of what normally would have been the Junior and Senior Classes of that year. The World War Two "hurry - up" graduation program probably caused this mixture. Also see vol 106 no 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24.
- 1941
Prescott High School Class of 1941 on Class Day outing at Hot Springs. There are members of what normally would have been the Junior and Senior Classes of that year. The World War Two "hurry - up" graduation program probably caused this mixture. Also see vol 106 no 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24.
- 1941
Prescott High School Class of 1941 on Class Day outing at Hot Springs. There are members of what normally would have been the Junior and Senior Classes of that year. The World War Two "hurry - up" graduation program probably caused this mixture. Also see vol 106 no 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23 and 24.
- 1941
Prescott High School Class of 1941 on Class Day outing at Hot Springs. There are members of what normally would have been the Junior and Senior Classes of that year. The World War Two "hurry - up" graduation program probably caused this mixture. Also see vol 106 no 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23 and 24.
- 1941
Prescott High School Class of 1941 on Class Day outing at Hot Springs. There are members of what normally would have been the Junior and Senior Classes of that year. The World War Two "hurry - up" graduation program probably caused this mixture. Also see vol 106 no 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23 and 24.
- 1941
Prescott High School Class of 1941 on Class Day outing at Hot Springs. There are members of what normally would have been the Junior and Senior Classes of that year. The World War Two "hurry - up" graduation program probably caused this mixture. Also see vol 106 no 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 24.
- 1941
Prescott High School Class of 1941 on Class Day outing at Hot Springs. There are members of what normally would have been the Junior and Senior Classes of that year. The World War Two "hurry - up" graduation program probably caused this mixture. Also see vol 106 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23.
- 1941
A front view of the 1910 High School Building located just East of the present science building and Supt's office. Note just to right of entrance the white corner stone. See closer view in vol 107 no 2.
- 1910s
Another view of this 1912 Depot. Photo probably made shortly after Depot opened. Note the water tank just north of the building with the Freight warehouse at the corner of West 1st and Elm to the North. Note there are residences on East side of tracks.
- 1910s
The last oil test drilled in north Nevada County. Time was mid 1950's. Location on Dr. Al Buchanan's farm on the East side of highway 19 (now 371) South of town. Approximately where Bruce Martin now lives.
- 1950s
1938 pictures of 5 Prescott Churches. Upper left is First Christian, Center is First Methodist, lower left is Presbyterian ( this building has been replaced at the same location) and First Baptist.
- 1938
Another view of Joe Boswell Dept. Store. Also see vol 110 no 20. This building is now home to The Nevada County Picayune news paper as of Dec. 2000.
- 1940s
These three pictures of the Waterloo Oil Refinery are the best we have copied of this important Nevada County industry. It was in operation from the 1920's through the part of the 1950's. See vol 110 no 14 and 15.
- 1950s