New Prescott Plaza
Photo Book 1
Fred's & Smitty's, Prescott Plaza under construction, summer and fall 1991. Smitty's sold out to Piggly Wiggly stores late 1996. Then to Taylor's Big Star and now Prescott Big Star. 1991

Comments about this photo from our web site visitors:
Posted by Wanda June Arnold ( (Milan New Mexico) on 2007-01-07
I can remember Fred's being at this location in 1980 but was not Fred's then if I remember right. Just can't remember the name of the store then but it was another dollar store like Fred's. In 1999 my daughter work at Fred's for about a year.
Posted by Adam Beck ( (Prescott, AR.) on 2009-02-05
This was originally Gibson's Discount Store. We lived in the Hale's trailer park across the street when it was built in the mid 1970's. I remember watching them build it.